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Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Hospitality and Tourism Industry


Tourism involves the activities for recreation in areas outside the general environment where the people visit for leisure travelling or for the purpose of business. Tourism industry is the competitive and dynamic business which focuses on continuous adaptation of customer needs, their changing desires, safety and enjoyment which ensures the ultimate experience and customer satisfaction. According to WTO, tourists are the people who visit other places outside their usual environment, with the purpose of leisure travel or business, for not more than one consecutive year. The Hospitality and tourism industry involve many interrelated components and sectors which includes hotels, resorts, restaurants, casinos, bed and breakfast. Whenever there is any impact on tourism and hospitality industry it directly affects the related sectors which provide accommodation, bed and breakfast.

Types of tourisms

International tourism, it consists of inbound and outbound tourism. In inbound tourism, the country is visited by non-residents. In outbound tourism, the residents of a country visit another country. Domestic tourism is where the people of the country visit different areas within their own country.

Organizational Structure

The structure of the tourism industry is based on several interrelated components which include;

• Transportation: This element has four modes; Water, Air, Land and Rail. Tourists prefer transport mode with respect to geographical location, safety, comfort, status, distance and time.

• Accommodation: This element includes the facilities and attractions comprise of hotels, restaurants, casinos, resorts, bed and breakfasts.

• Labour force: This part comprise of supporting staff which helps in arrangements and better customer experience and satisfaction.

• Government: This component comprises of government agencies, regional and professional tourism companies and other training associations.

Growth in Tourism Industry

Tourism industry is experiencing constant expansion and diversification since last six decades, contributing as the world's largest and fastest growing economic sector. There has been the emergence of new tourism destinations apart from North America and Europe (UNWTO, 2013). With an ever increasing number of destinations, there has been significant progress in socio-economic factors which drives new enterprises, new jobs and development of infrastructure.

According to the recent figures of World Tourism Organization (WTO) the market share of the industry has increased to 47% in 2012 as compared to previous figures of 1980, where it was 30%. WTO has expected this figure to reach 57% by 2030 comprising of over one billion tourist arrivals worldwide. There has been strong growth in the arrivals in Asia and Pacific region with an increase of 7% followed by 6% in Africa and America recorded 5% increase (UNWTO, 2013). With such increase investment in the hospitality industry, demand for accommodation and attraction facilities will increase, which will result in development of more restaurants, hotels, resorts, casinos, bed and breakfast. International hospitality service providers


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