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Two Factors that could limit a Destination from reaching its Potential

Two Factors that could limit a Destination from reaching its Potential


Today many tourist destinations are becoming modalities "new" tourism in which unconventional activities are receiving much welcomed by tourist demand, currently requires an active direct involvement in the implementation of tourism activities. Within this change , are developing activities such as whale watching, which today generates millionaires worldwide income and prosperity for the towns or destinations that develop responsibly, as it promotes the creation of jobs and helps strengthen appreciation for the importance of marine conservation. At the same time, provides opportunities for the promotion of research .

There are various benefits that can be gained by states through tourism. Many previous researches in several countries have shown that tourism can bring many costs for local areas, and that some of the expected benefits described above are limited or distorted. Therefore, it is necessary to design measures to improve community involvement in tourism to address the disadvantages as well as maximize profits. Furthermore, projects that promote ICTs need to be aware that you cannot avoid all the disadvantages, so that ICT initiatives will bring costs as well as benefits (Cornelissen, 2010). Many of these disadvantages can be attributed to any new economic activity in a rural area. For example, there may be an increase in income disparities and conflicts over resources if the new activity and the strength of community organizing to affect the residents to monitor developments in most areas, not only in tourism. Moreover, the points illustrated below show the ends that tourism cannot cause all these costs for local people. But it is worth taking into account the ends to see if we can avoid them, and at what costs, improving ICT. A number of factors limit the effectiveness of the tourism industry to play a more meaningful role in the national economy. Some of the key constraints are identified below:

Tourism has been inadequately resourced and funded

Myopic private sector

Limited integration of local communities and previously neglected groups into tourism

Inadequate tourism education, training and awareness

Inadequate protection of the environment

Limited financial benefits

There is very little evidence that actually spending by tourists in the town is accessed (the problem of "leakage"). For example, luxury tourism marketing often requires specialized international communication and luxury goods, so a lot of tourist spending pays for international companies or to spend on goods and services imported into the town. Economic Tourists probably pay less distant companies in capital cities but can enjoy a place to spend very little time there - particularly when traveling in vehicles where even carry their food. Several studies covering 17 countries over a period of 20 years was estimated that 11% to 90% of total tourist expenditure leakage host. The rest is left in the country, only a proportion will actually visited the town. The degree of "leakage" varies greatly depending on who the owner of the company and where they buy goods and ...