Toulmin Model

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Toulmin Model

Toulmin Model


An English modern and renowned philosopher known as Stephen Toulmin was one of the famous philosophers who showed a great deal about their work and love for philosophy. He was a professor and used to teach at “University of South California”. He developed a six - part model of argument in his book “The Uses of Argument” in 1958. This Toulmin model of Argument was developed so that it could help analyze and assess the arguments that are heard and read on a daily basis by different people. This model is a much better way of expressing an argument. It helps better to understand and express the argument relative to any other model as argued by Toulmin. The Toulmin model has a total of six parts. The first three parts are one of the most important parts of the discussion. They are the claim, the data (which we are calling support), and the warrant. One or more of three additional elements may also be part of the discussion: the backing, the rebuttal, and the qualifier.


The Christian way and what they should do to protect the environment revolves around a race which is benignant. It is the one and only God who created this world and everything present in this world such as animals, land, seas, plants, surroundings and so on. After he created this whole habitat, he then realized that there should be someone who should take care of all this too. Therefore God created human beings to take care of his habitat and surroundings. Nevertheless, Bible the holy book of Christians, even emphasized on how God created plants, animals, water to be looked after, by human beings and how there should be someone to manage, restore and preserve all His creations in a proper way. It was this realization that the need to create human beings was considered and at this point in time, when human beings were created, they could not help but to utilize the resources provided by God to help them survive. By using the Toulmin model Argument, my answer to the given question that how Christians should restore and preserve the environment according to the God's will and not according to what human's desire are. This discussion will be discussed below in more detail.

Christians should be more responsible about their environment as it is God's creation and we should respect. If we sit down and think for a minute that we are God's creation and that he has made us to take care of this earth, we will never even think of destroying it. I9f resources are utilized; we should also think that sustainability of these resources are also maintained. If we are not protecting these resources that means we are rebelling against God creation and tryo9ng to follow hypocrisy. Al Gore, former president of United States tried to mobilize and sensitivise citizens living in the industrialized world. Another ecologist known as Gore describers that our world seems to have been ...