Torture And Ethics

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Torture and Ethics


The torture related activities seems to be very painful and the issue remain debatable since a longtime whether the act of torture is morally and legally justifiable or not. This research paper explores the controversial issue of torture in the context of American free society by analyzing that when the combatants or the high value targets are tortured, will it lead to the violation of the standards of morality, and whether these torture principles has an international implication to human rights. The way the torture practices are justified under the utilitarianism theory of ethics is also presented in the paper.Table of Contents



Torture in American Free society_ A Debatable issue1

Torture leading to violation of standards of morality3

Act of torture leading to violation of basic human rights its global implications3

Torture justification under the ethical theory4



Torture and Ethics


Torture is a practice that includes the activities and practices such as giving electric shocks to the genitals, the parts of the body (for example, the tongue, the ears) are being cut, beatings of severe nature, denial of provision of food to the terrorists or the prisoners and many more (Fritz, 2003). This research paper deals with the controversial issue of torture in the context of American free society by exploring its impact with reference to global moral standards and human rights.


The torturer can claim any of these causes for performing the act of torture: 1. to obtain an admission of an illegal act, 2 to obtain information, 3. to give punishment, 4. or to force the sufferers or the other people to act in a certain manner. (Michael, 2005)

Torture in American Free society_ A Debatable issue

The American constitution serves as an important legal safeguard that helps the citizens to safeguard themselves against the governmental power abuse. The authorities have developed the constitution with an aim to [protect the rights of a free society. This makes a person to be free in case of living within the limitation of society that it has set in order to protect one another. This particular situation, in addition provides the grounds that the America's free society is based on the rights as laid down in the constitution.

The torturing practices of the United States of America have been under the examination since the tragic event that took place on September 11, 2001. In the month of September 2005, the torture practices that are used by the United States became an issue of public concern when the detainees at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq were being convicted of torture and abuse by the nine Army reservists. In other words, the torture recent disclosures in the U.S. Army detention focuses on the torture activities in Abu Ghraib in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay in Cuba as well as the legalization of various acts related to torture by President Bush. This issue has required the attention of the international authorities in the context of "war on terrorism." A heated debate is being generated by such phenomenon in the media and torture ...
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