Topic: Spellbound

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Analysis of Spellbound

Analysis of Spellbound

I have chosen a movie titled Spellbound for analysis of women character into it and her relation to the environment.

On the green mansions, Dr. Constance Petersen (Ingrid Bergman), wrapped in cool white, forces the hysterical woman who manipulates men to acknowledge the bad feelings inside her. Constance, a brilliant but lifeless, "the doctor, according to one colleague, is frozen in place and as a doctor and a woman. When the new head of the Green Estates, Dr. Anthony Edwards (Gregory Peck) arrives, Constance soon finds him handsome and charismatic, but she is also upset him, obviously, neurotic symptoms, particularly panic him on a parallel line, and white. Nevertheless, she says, as a woman when he moves forward to kiss her. All the doors swing open mind and begins to dream.

I kept with this dream. In it, Ingrid Bergman and Gregory Peck are at a ski resort, rushed down the hill with perfect hair and not a speck of snow on them. Suddenly, Peck realizes that he has deeper problems connected with the killing of his brother, and he immediately recalled all his lost identity. No guilt, no doubt. He's in love, innocent of all crimes, and are ready for peace.

And then it occurred to me that this is not a dream at all, but Alfred Hitchcock's Spellbound. Bergman and Peck did on skis, and how I play the scene again, I cannot overcome the disturbing sense that all is not well. Maybe I'm projecting my anxiety, my own feeling that there must be something here to interpret. In the end, people do not go skiing; do not get mussed in real life. But maybe they in Hollywood films, especially films produced by David O. Selznick, who was known for his perfectionism. I must take this ...
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