Topic: Reflective Journal

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Topic: Reflective Journal

Reflective Journal

Reflect on the role of activists in achieving social and environmental sustainability.

The role of activists is increasing in the modern times and also getting extremely imperative. Activists work for preventing any sort of harm that could endanger the environment and health of the people. They also provide resources to environmental caring community groups to secure their local communities from any sort of environmental harms. The mission of these activists is sustainable prosperity for each and every citizen of the society. They are citizens of the society who are equipped with information to drive change.

The activists who are serious with their roles envision to develop a multi-purpose movement that could solve all issues relating to the environment and its betterment for the whole society. The main goal of these activists who are active enough to make a change is actually constructing a lifeboat so that people may be able to forecast what's possible, and make the most needed societal shift to secure the future for our children. The objective is integrity and sustainable success for everyone in a surrounding that has to offer positivity (Sandhu, 2010).Objectives of successful Activists The main objectives of Activists who want to make a difference in sustaining social and economic stability are:

To enlarge the appliance of the preventive factors from employing chemicals which harm human health to employing land, energy, waste instead for economic development nationally.

Keep on developing the preventive approach of the environment that the society depends upon into an overarching phenomenon for decision-making taken by the community.

Remove any sort of toxic discharges by manufacturing zero waste products that are not only waste free but toxic free and can be used a thousand times more.

This shall remove all sorts of toxic chemicals that endure and become dangerous for the community.

Protection of upcoming generations. Preserving the future for the generations to come is to be done very smoothly by becoming guardians and start controlling things from the first and foremost level.

Expanding the movement for societal, ecological and financial justice by forging closer ties to the public health community. 

Support the significance of integral communal determinants which look into the health social factors involving scarcity, remoteness and racism.

Amalgamating the local economic expansion into the foundation of environmental work. If the economics of a community are good they really matter as they help raise income and maintain a good standard of living.

Expanding involvement with assorted groups of activists from various races and cultures is also really important.


Another point of view for activists playing a role in achieving social and economic sustainability is that it is critical to not descend into the entrap of isolating oneself as it can lead to a delusion that you would be the only wanting to bring a change (Anderson, 2005 ).

At times when one gets involved in activism, you ought to be extremely realistic about what you actually want to achieve and how things will impact. At times, activism may bring about misunderstanding about the change you want to bring ...
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