Topic: Organized Crime And Public Corruption

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Topic: Organized Crime and Public Corruption

Topic: Organized Crime and Public Corruption

Sense of the Organized Crime

Define the term of Organized Crime, is very complex, especially the structure you have these criminal organizations, the Federal Criminal Code legally defines what organized crime is. But beyond that, and for us, people of common life, how many times have we seen or heard in various media, on these organizations to see that some bands are captured criminals who have kidnapped people e.g. , stolen vehicles or their parts, or have committed another penalty group, comes to mind and say, "is that they are from Crime", i.e. an inverse assimilate meaning to these criminal gangs or criminal organizations; would be extremely complicated and it is right, to all those concepts which we take to these organizations.

Organized Crime and Public Corruption

If you look closely at the criminal organizations and legal organizations as business enterprises, we can conclude that from the formal point of view, there are no major differences, as its fundamental purpose is to maximize profitability. And if we observe that many legal organizations, legitimately constituted illegal overtly run to increase their profits, as is the case of tax evasion, dismissal without compensation, customs information concealment, bribery, accounting changes, etc., We see that the difference is not essentially greater. This reflection leads us to point out that there is agreement as to the means employed to achieve their ends. So we can say that the comparison of petty crime to organized crime, the latter operates on a large scale with an organization and working structure, rigid codes and disciplines, organized crime operates in large amounts of money and technology (Gaines, 2003).

In conclusion we can say the word and the meaning of organized crime, but a sense, is a level which involve too many interests, financial capital, infrastructure, market, political, etc.., Compared to common criminals, which has no order or capacity to commit crimes and their crimes are "simple" as the common criminal operates in fear of society through non-stop robberies, organized crime operates with financial capital and technology to achieve national and international financial power.

Their structures are so complex that their illicit activities hidden from public view, we know how to integrate, who are responsible for their areas, this information we know when its members are apprehended by the state. Now it is quite common to refer to organized crime under the synonym of mafia (or mob, as it is called in the U.S. and Asia), and large-scale offenders were then called gangsters or gangster. The word gangster comes from the English word gang, meaning band, being common gangster call the member of any band in any English speaking country, regardless of whether criminal or not. However, Mexico has taken the term to connote the relationship between the gangsters as a member of a criminal group (Mclllwain, 2004).

As we stated in the beginning the words organized crime, organized crime or Mafia, despite their different meanings are all equally the financial capacity of individuals or organizations ...
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