Topic: Media News

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Topic: Media News

Annotated Bibliography on Ten References on Media News

Thesis Statement

In this paper effective resources shall be reviewed that reveal to the various means of communication through media like TV, Internet, Radio etc that actually reach out to the audience. Media News is all about the various updates, new technologies and latest trends and news that keep going around the world over.

Reference 1

Castells, M. Communication Power. Oxford University Press. (2009). Retrieved on June 20th, 2012

Manuel Castells' book “Communication Power” is about a ground-breaking explanation of how the revolution of the modern communication modifies people's feelings, thinking and behavior patterns. This book was written to understand what the drastic transformation would be all about and how it will take place. This book would be useful for those who want to study about what neuroscience and cognitive psychology are and how case histories from the world over can help them discover how and why psychological decisions are made in the novel communications environment, stressing over the ascend of communication power. Profoundly researched and intelligently argued, it is a very valid book that provides a deep understanding about the implications of the revolution in communication

Reference 2

Dahlgren, P. Media and political engagement: citizens, communication, and democracy. Cambridge University Press, New York. (2009). Retrieved on June 18th, 2012

P. Dahlgren's book “Media and political engagement: citizens, communication, and democracy” is concerned about what the complicated issues are that the Western democracy is facing in today's era which is why there is a turn down in citizens' political engagement. The book is written to enlighten over the role of the media in redirecting and making the political engagement much better. This book would be useful for those who require information about what role the media plays in determining the nature of civic engagement and how to take a look at the novel interactive electronic media through its civic potential and why there is a turn down in citizens' political engagement. It's a very a valid book thoroughly researched on how imperative notions offer a multi-dimensional systematic framework named as 'civic cultures'.

Reference 3

Hopper, P.Understanding cultural globalization. Polity Press, Cambridge. (2007). Retrieved on June 23rd, 2012

P. Hoper's book “Understanding cultural globalization”  is about some serious debates which are related to cultural globalization. This book was written to talk about several issues which are linked up with globalization and culture along with claims on the facets of globalization which are infuriating cultural conflict. The book would be useful for those who want to research on what the cultural dynamics of globalization are, about how and why several issues are linked up with globalization and culture. It's a very a valid book thoroughly researched that talks about culture, media and globalization along with claims on the facets of globalization which are infuriating cultural conflict.

Reference 4

Jakubowicz, K. Rude awakening: social and media change in central and eastern Europe. Hampton Press, Cresskill. ( 2007). Retrieved on June 20th, 2012

K. Jakubowicz's book “Rude awakening: social and media change in central and eastern Europe” ...
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