Topic: London Airlines

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London Airlines

Current prospects for HR in London Airlines

London airline - the name of the national carrier of London's imagination the image of monopoly went Berserk with absolute power, of the market. Permanent loss over the years, frequent problems of human life and gross mismanagement were just some of the few issues affected the company(Hanlon 67). Extensive media coverage with respect to frequent strikes pilots LA not only a reflection of adamant attitude of pilots, but also led to increased public resentment towards airline.LA 'S recurring human resource problems were linked to his lack of proper manpower planning and under utilization existing staff. Recruitment and establishment of new posts in LAwas done without proper scientific analysis of the manpower needs of the organization. Unions in LAofficers were quite infamous for resorting to a strike for any reason, and their arm-twisting tactics to get their claims taken control.

In 1990, the Government had taken several measures to turn around LAand began negotiations for his retirement investments. Among the strong opposition of staff, reducing investment plans dragged on endlessly and in mid-2001(Oum Yu 220). History of LA shows how poor governance, especially in the field of human resources, can mean death, even at Rs 40 billion monopoly.

Man resource planning in Los Angeles, disorganized, weak and unscientific. Among a number of existing jobs in the airline personnel department has only human resource planning for pilots, and even such planning does not account for the future development of airlines and pilots needed for this development. Only once a year at the beginning of each year, it is human resource planning has not occurred. Human resource planning for the pilots only focus on finding a replacement for existing pilot when they retire in the future.

Human resources manager simply relies on his personal ideas and a desire to anticipate the necessary human resources in the future. HR-manager does not use any data source or the labor market analysis on human resource planning. Human resource planning in Los Angeles, there are only two stages: 1 - determine how many pilots will be retired this year 2 - the organization of a replacement for those pilots who will be retired for about a week before their retirement, in other words, the new pilots join airline just a week before the old driver will be retired.

Personnel Management VS Human Resource Management

Comparing HR C. Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management is mainly an administrative function of accounting, which hunts for to set up and sustain equitable situation and employed situation, while human asset administration blends the customary purposes of staff administration to business objectives and schemes, and furthermore presents Additional persons are the center of organizational development activities.An important distinction lives between staff administration and human asset administration in periods of scope, set about, and applications. Human asset administration is broader in scope than staff management.

Role of HR Management

HR management include functional activities such as workforce planning, recruitment, job analysis, job evaluation, salary administration, performance appraisals, compliance with employment ...
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