Topic: Education System

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Topic: Education System


School is an entity that plays an integral role in deciding one's personality. It is from here that we learn how to coverse, how to deal with people, interact and learn how to read and write , the basics of being termed as an educated, well mannered individual. Our manners, ettiquetes are all specified and understood from what our teachers make us learn and observe. School is actually the institution which makes us a systematic human being helping us out how to develop our every day program. Hence, it makes us act responsibly at every step in life. School is a place where we get to interact with other students of our age. The things that we learn at schools aid us in taking the most integral decisions of our lives. It aids us in every little step basic or complicated that may occur all through our lives.


School Plays A More Important Role In Shaping One's Personality

I highly consider it a truth that school plays a significant role even more than the family in sketching out one's personality. Pupils actually tend to be more at school rather than with their parents. Parents cant actually play a vital role in a child's education. It is because they tend to come late from work and have a busy life. They cant actually focus on the absolutely right guidance path of learning new things. After work in the evening they do not get much time to spend with their children.

The process of growing up is based on communication and socialization. That is why I think school is an entity that plays an integral role in deciding one's personality. It is from here that we learn how to coverse, how to deal with people, interact and learn how to read and write , the basics of being termed as an educated, well mannered individual. Our manners, etiquettes are all specified and understood from what our teachers make us learn and observe. School is actually the institution which makes us a systematic human being helping us out how to develop our every day program. Hence, it makes us act responsibly at every step in life. School is a place where we get to interact with other students of our age. The things that we learn at schools aid us in taking the most integral decisions of our lives. It aids us in every little step basic or compilated that may occur all through our lives (Seekers, 2012).

Role Of Schooling In Today's Society

Do we actually know what the role of the school should be in our modern society? A hundred years back the answer to this question was extremely simple. A high school diploma actually showed that the graduate was capable in essential academic subjects and totally up to get into professional life. In the era of today schools are actually facing several complicated issues and parents get highly frustrated because of them. It may seem to be extremely easy to blame the ...
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