Tolerance In Australia

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Tolerance in Australia

Thesis Statement

“Tolerance is a broad term that incorporates many aspects of a society. It is hard to measure the level of tolerance in a multicultural and extensively diverse society like Australia. Though, it is a society containing social acceptance but intolerance still exist in Australia to some extent.”


Country of Australia is a blend of various traditions and influences. The unique history of Australia has made it a diverse nation which has various cultures, lifestyles and religions. The original inhabitants of Australia are the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders. World's oldest cultural tradition is guarded by them in Australia. Estimated time about their existence in Australia is about 40,000 to 60,000 years. The other contributors of populations of Australia are people from British colonial era and other immigrants from many countries and societies. These aspects of population, about 20 million, living in Australia, makes it one of the most linguistically and culturally diverse nation. Though most of the people living in Australia are born here but 2006 census suggests that more than 50% Australians' one ancestry is other than Australia. Among this statistics, 2% belongs to the indigenous background while at least one parent of about 41% Australian was born overseas. These overseas countries include China, England and New Zealand. These records show that Australia comprised more diverse nations than any other. This range of diversity also needs great tolerance for the prosperity of the country. There are certain values practised by the citizen of Australia which strengthen the tolerance level in their country. Homosexual and racial discrimination also exist in the country to some level.


Despite of the population that belongs to various cultures, ethnicity and religions, Australia has kept itself together through tolerating and respecting each other's values. Resolving conflicts in peaceful, non-violent and constructive manner is not only encouraged in Australia but also highly valued.

In order to achieve common goals as a nation, greater social unity and co-operation is encouraged that also help to express support for each other. Government is also keen to formulate policies that promote broader social inclusion, cultural differences along with multicultural acceptance. According to Elder (2007, pp. 116) the white Australia policy (1901), non whites were prohibited from entering the country. The first steps towards the abolishment of this policy can be seen at the end of the Second World War. Employment in Australia was almost full so a new source of labour was needed for economic expansion (Elder 2007, pp. 118). Now Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are recognized as original inhabitants of Australia and also given public identification and respect. Solemn steps are taken to acknowledge the status of Indigenous Australians who are still short of equal opportunities and freedom in the country. World Values Survey shows that over three decades, nationalism from Australians has reduced. More people are welcome in the country and Australian society can be seen as a unique blend of ethno-culturally diverse people.

Practised Values

Despite of being extensively diverse nation, Australians together share many values which ...
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