Toddlers Tantrum Behavior When Frustrated

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Toddlers Tantrum Behavior When Frustrated


Edward Thorndike and BF Skinner are the two most well known individuals in the fields of psychology. In fact, these two have put forth the two most valuable theories that are still used to observe, analyze and evaluate various aspects of human behavior. The Law of Effect by Thorndike and the concept of Operating condition by Skinner have been used over the years for analyzing and observing Child behavior as well. This paper aims to focus the behavior of the toddlers when they are angry and frustrated. The paper will analyze the possible reasons behind the anger and how the toddlers express it in the light of the two theories proposed by Skinner and Thorndike. The paper will also explain of the concepts of “reinforcement” and “punishment” and how they can be used to monitor several behavioral aspects of the toddlers. The paper will also compare the two approaches and analyze which approach can be more effective. Introduction

A toddler can be defined as a child who ages between one and three years. It is important to note that these toddler years is undoubtedly the most essential time period for the social, emotional and cognitive development of the child. Therefore, for the parents and the guardians, this is the most essential time to practice and exercise all their parenting skills effectively to ensure that the children are guided in the right direction. In addition, it is also essential for the parents to identify all the improper behavior and habits in the children and make sure that these habits are discouraged and prohibited at such an early age in order to prevent any long-term effects on the personality of the children. There are many of such habits however the one on which the parents or guardians must specially focus is the tantrum the toddlers show when they are frustrated. If the toddlers are not dealt with in an appropriate manner when they are angry, then there is a high probability that they grow up to be aggressive or even violent individuals. The theories or concept put forth by Skinner and Thorndike will be used in this paper to analyze what are the causes of the anger, how the toddlers express them and what ways can be used to deal with such behavior.


It is a common fact that the toddlers often display tantrums and inappropriate behavior. The two most possible reasons for displaying such a behavior are either they are frustrated or their wants are thwarted. Moreover, there are a number of ways of how toddlers express this anger that includes crying, shouting, breaking or banging things and much more. However, it is essential that they are dealt with accordingly in such situations. Often on a child, the guardian or the punisher enjoys a huge impact. Another very interesting aspect is that for a toddler, there are several ways to find himself, the consequences that might follow if he says or do something inappropriate (Barson, pp. 228).

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