To Kill A Mocking Bird

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To Kill a Mocking Bird

To Kill a Mocking Bird


Harper Lee is the author of the famous story To Kill a Mocking Bird. The author was highly influenced with the discrimination against the race in America. The story main emphasis is on the situation when an African American Man was accused in the case of rapping white women. There is a perfect match in the story To Kill a Mocking Bird. There is also a perfect match for the talent. The story has perfect situations and everyone that involves in the situation seems had waited for that moment (Jones, 1996).


The Arousal of Conflicts

The story of Harper Lee got a huge success and readers appreciate his work. The book has elements of nostalgia and emotional drama. The plot of the drama is armed and including the charming protagonist scout which plays an observer. There has always been a good relation of parents and children in the film however; the racism conflict has also brought more significance. African American characters are emphasized in the story. One fails to meet them in a more own and intimate but certainly has a strong universal message (Harper, 1962). The novel has focused on the racism.

Case Background and Characters of the Book

The story is of Atticus Finch who lives in a town of Alabama, she was a widow and she has a responsibility of two young children, Scout six years old and Jem 10 years old. Finch up brings her children with the race percept. She knows the increasing racism in South. Children make their new friend and they keep enjoying their summer with that new friend. The friend name was Dill Harris who was 6. All the fantasy of the story centers on the fear that present because of the existing neighbor (Boo Radley, played by Robert Duvall), they were crazy people. The scandals started to begin in the town. Tom Robinson act as a family friend who was a black with good feeling, and he always tries to help his neighbor. Tom was always helpful and in this situation in the mean while he was accused for the rape of white girl. The girl named Mayella Ewell was the daughter of Bob Ewell. They lived in one of the staunchest racist place. Finch has a great trust on Tom and she believes that he is innocent. This reaction was swift. Finch wants to save Tom and she agrees to become a defense trial. The people of village are angry at the courage of Finch, and her children were teased and disturbed by their classmate.

Perceptions of Characters in the Courtroom

There is a large crowd outside the jail before the beginning of the trial and the only purpose of the crowd is to lynch Tom. However, Atticus is playing the role of a guard while standing outside the prison, who suspected the possibility. Then, the trial begins. At the top floor of the courthouse, children are placed because it is the place where court usually lays people ...
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