To Examine Social Cognitive Theory Viability To Be Used As A Motivation Theory In Order To Improve The Performance Of The Construction Employees

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To examine Social Cognitive Theory viability to be used as a motivation theory in order to improve the performance of the construction employees


Purpose of Study1

Theoretical Framework2

Behavioral Changes in Construction Industry: Egan (1998) Study4

Positive Aspects of Social Cognitive Theory6

Negative Aspects of Social Cognitive Theory7

Role of the Social Cognitive Theory9

Aspects of the Motivational Factors from the Construction Industry10





Research academics have identified three different types of revolutionary changes in construction industries. Consensual management, adoption of system engineering, and accomplishment of objectives and strategies of construction projects are systems approach in the last two decades. This industry accounts for important part of world economic activities that develop infrastructures and characterizes as low-technology and labor-intensive sector. This theory also examines human characteristics as a factor of motivation among construction employees. The design and application of questionnaire will be used as survey to describe methods for motivating employees in the life cycle of a construction project. This study discusses positive and negative attributes of the theory and relates it to work performance of construction employees.

Purpose of Study

Construction employees are responsible for diverse tasks such as detail mapping, geodetic control, setting out, and deformation monitoring surveys as front line managers from start to finish in different construction projects. The objective of this study is to analyze hierarchy of needs for their holistic concerns in construction projects.

Conducive behavior of employees operating in the business context theorized the human functioning of business environment. This hypothesis has valid significance to examine empirical evidences of various construction projects. The attitudes and perceptions of these construction employees imply the outcomes of social cognitive theory. The secondary purpose of this study is to assess the project outcomes and group dynamics set out n this theory.

Theoretical Framework

Social learning theory originates Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) which is fundamental to understand the association for learning based on behavioral or imitation mimicry. Social Cognitive Theory derived out of desire to put a key role as reflecting and regulatory processes in change and human adaption. Human functioning drives to be vicarious and cognitive part of this theory. It also emphasize on the casual relationship between situational factors, behavioral factors, and psychological factors where individuals functions as interacting determinants. These intertwined determinants include behavior, personal factors, and environment.

Bandura's reciprocal determinism model illustrates relationships of these three interacting determinants as a function of cognitive or individual factors that determines the behavior of a person. This model is an indication about the self-regulation of individuals that a behavior is directly proportional and function of the situation. Such situation is dependent on cognitive factors and is function of behavior of a function of that situation. It also manages and relates to the related cues and consequences of the environment.

Egan (1998) identifies associated behaviors and client orientation based on the Rethinking Construction seminal report. This report also identifies different number of behavioral changes that are important and necessary to obtain radical changes for construction clients. These construction clients sought such radical changes in the construction industry for many ...