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History behind the Issue28
The cultural body ideal30
Appendix A: List of Figures35
Appendix B: List of Tables38
Background of the Study
“An hourglass” figure ”Pear shape” ”Petite”, these are all phrases commonly known to describe a woman's figure, Decades have past and the womanly figure has changed dramatically in size. The western world today has proven to be attracted to a much thinner and seemingly flawless woman. Marylyn Monroe in her time was said to be one of the most beautiful women in the world along with Sofia Loren. Is it Society that has changed what it is to be seen as “ the perfect body” it may be woman herself or it may be social media such as television, Newspapers and Magazines. I am almost certain if asked most men or women would find Marylyn Monroe and Sofia Loren attractive of course. This only touches on the task at hand. To find out through research, case studies and personal experience why women seem to be under an enormous amount of pressure to look a certain way as time goes on, also that this “look a certain way seems to change every few decades or so and really does get more impossible as the years of technology go on. Is Technology the problem can we women not quite keep up with the latest Photoshop or gym class? Is it all getting too much to contend with? These are many questions that need to be answered in order to feel close to an answer. Have woman actually changed the way that the look on an everyday basis or is that what we have been made to think by social media.
This may be one of the explanations to this arising issue. Fashion! Fashion may be to blame? Was it designers and fashion houses that took it upon themselves to shrink the size in which the clothes ...