“to Kill A Mocking Bird” Vs. “the Nigger Of The Narcissus”

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“To Kill a Mocking Bird” vs. “The Nigger of the Narcissus”

In Conrad's first influential novel, The Nigger of the Narcissus, the central idea of light and dark first arises. The sailing ship Narcissus is caught in a storm, and the only black mate aboard, James Wait, has a symbolic meaning. He is the stopping point on the ship, because none of the sailors trust him. He, as his name suggests, always waits before acting. The Main theme in this book is prejudice. (Billhams,Pp.33)

Conrad was not particularly interested in character for its own sake. He was most interested in men who were actively pursuing their aims in life like the captain of the Narcissus novel, who triumphs over weakness and evil. Whereas in “To Kill A Mocking Bird” deals with many primal and basic lessons in human nature. The book exposes many issues that affect most people throughout their lives. Scout, the main character was one of the most affected by these lessons. During the book she was exposed to many profound experiences, which no doubt will leave a lasting impression. In the three years that the book took place, she may have learned the most important things she will learn over her entire life.

The issue of racism surfaces in the novel when Tom Robinson, a black man, is accused of raping Mayella Ewell, a white woman. Even though no evidence is discovered to convict Tom, the jury, which was made up of twelve white men, finds him guilty. This decision had a significant impact on Tom Robinson, Atticus Finch, and Jem Finch. (Johnson, Claudia. Pp. 23) One person that affected Scouts life was Boo Radley. He brought wonder, fear and then finally relief to her heart. At first kids thought he was evil. There were rumours that while he cut out the newspaper for his scrap book he 'drove the scissors into his parent's leg. He had tried to kill them. Even though this may have been just a rumor the kids were terrified of the Radleys. They described him often as a monster 'six-and-a-half feet tall' with 'bloodstained' hands. He was said to eat 'raw squirrels and any cats he could catch. During the rest of the book Scout and companions tried to meet Arthur (Boo) and get over their fear of him. They did not succeed. But he showed affection for them by leaving them gifts in a tree.

Finally at the end of the book he proves he is a good person by saving Scout and Jem's lives. In this instance Scout may have found that to negatively prejudge someone is wrong. She also learned compassion.

Scout also learnt about the ugliness of life. About death and pain.

This lesson occurred while her brother had to read to a sick and dieing old lady. This lady's name was Mrs. Dubose. She had been a morphine addict and had decided to go clean till her death. To die as a free women, to die knowing she had won. Scout describes ...
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