Title Vii Of The Civil Rights Act Of 1964

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Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964


Discrimination has many forms. It can be in the race, gender, age or national region. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is established to cater to the unjust treatment of the employees.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is to enforce jurisdiction against discrimination and protect constitutional rights, commission on civil rights and establish commission on equal employment opportunity (EEOC 9/02 and OFCCP 8/08, www.eeoc.gov/employers). Equal Employment Opportunity commission, a federal agency, enforces the law and handles claim of discrimination.


The case given is of Gelato Cheese Company that has 85% of young workforce that are in the age bracket of 25- 35years. Gelato has a condition for the recruitment crew for cleaning requires a high diploma. The ratio of American population is 50% and African American being 25% and other minorities including Hispanic American and Asian American. Currently Gelato's all the current employed crew for cleaning is white.

Looking at this scenario only it might give an idea that employment discrimination is happening as only whites and the youth are part of the workforce. Even minorities should be given equal opportunity. They are only employing from the majority of population.


Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and EEOC

An insight of the law

Civil Act of 1964 helps in preventing discrimination. It highlights some factors such as

Hiring decision should not be on the basis of candidate's color, race, national origin, sex or religion.

A promotion decision by the employer should not be on the basis of employee's discrimination criteria.

The employers should not discriminate on assigning fringe benefits, disability leave or retirement plan.

No harassment of any sort.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is established to listen to the complaints of the employee who are being victimized by discrimination. The employee should file the complaint within 180 days of the occurrence of discriminatory action. 60 days will be given to the employer to resolve the matter or he may be required by EEOC to give justification of the alleged charges by producing records and documents (Anonymous, 2013).

Case with additional information Analysis

The additional information related to the Gelato Cheese Company that is given is in Heartland Corner, the ratio of completing high school is 75% of the white population and the rest of minority being 25%.

This information changes some aspect that Gelato may or may not be violating the civil rights. The recruitment requires minimum qualification of high school degree. As the white population is larger in ratio that fall in the category of being component for the job, the chance of white being hired is more. The discrimination might not be on the basis of race, or color. Deliberate discrimination will violate the law. The presence of minorities in Heartland Corners and none of them being hired as the crew is a bit skeptical.

Disparate impact and treatment

Disparate impact may apply on this situation as the employment criteria may have an adverse effect on the minority group (Gerrye, ...
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