Title: 5 Star Hotels

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Comparison between E-mail Marketing and Mail Marketing within 5 star hotels in London

Comparison between E-mail Marketing and Mail Marketing within 5 star hotels in London


A considerable amount of literature has been published on Marketing. Strauss and Frost (2001) characterises marketing as the 'process of designing and executing the notions, circulation, advertisements and charge concepts of items and services to conceive swaps that persuade one-by-one and organizational objectives.' In relation to this, Jobber (2004) points out that direct marketing is the 'distribution of products, data and promotional advantages to goal buyers through interactive connection in a way that permits answer to be measured.' Moreover, direct marketing has a distinct connection passages including direct mail, telemarketing, wireless marketing, direct answer advocating, catalogue marketing, electronic newspapers, internet, email, interactive television injects, leaflets in publication, doorway to doorway leafleting (Brassignton and Pettitt, 1997 and Jobber 2004).

For the reasons of this dissertation, the direct marketing tools that will be considered are email marketing and direct mail marketing, the benefits and handicaps of the two methods.

Gronroos (1991) considers marketing as a best feature to set up, sustain, enhance connections with clients and other partners at a earnings in order that the objectives of the engaged parties are met. Buttle (1996) emphasises on the importance of the four customary devices of marketing. These are renowned as 4Ps that marketers use to organise demand which are product, price, promotion and place. Even tough many of the marketing and promotion tools are developed in a mass media approach, nowadays there is a trend of individual target market on a one-to-one basis. As such, companies are adopting direct marketing as a primary marketing approach or as a supplement to other marketing strategies (Armstrong and Kotler, 2005). Brassington and Pettitt (1997) defines direct marketing as 'an interactive system of marketing which values one or more advocating newspapers to sway a discernable answer at any position, forming a cornerstone for conceiving and farther evolving an ongoing direct connection between an administration and its customers'. Advertising newspapers in this case includes direct mail, direct answer advocating, telemarketing, mail order, teleshopping and electronic mail. Direct mail is material dispatched through the postal service for the reasons of encouraging items or services. This marketing tool has several benefits these encompass aiming at, personalisation, answer rates, flexibility and vigilance seeking. However direct mail still has several handicaps and difficulties, direct marketing has endured from awful public relatives furthermore the poor value of mailing register in dispatching out direct mails to buyers could be a problem (Brassington and Pettitt, 1997)

Nevertheless, e-mail marketing can be characterised as the “promotion of products or services by email” (Strauss and Frost, 2001). Email marketing is very fast, cheap and straightforward to use. Email marketing boasts an owner of benefits these encompass immediacy, trackable and measurable. Also, it can aid vendors or businesses conceive and keep customers. This form of direct marketin benefits of blending text, photographs, audio and video notes, supplying marketers with the proficiency to drive ...
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