Tissues And Organization

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Tissues and Organization

Tissues and Organization

Task 3 for M1.

There are four main types of tissues which have been mentioned below (Latham, 2009, pp. 89 - 96);

The epithelial tissue

The muscle tissue

The nervous tissue and

The connective tissue.

Epithelial Tissues

Muscle Tissues

Connective Tissues

Nervous Tissue

The Similarities and Differences between the Four Basic Types of Tissues

The similarities and differences between the four types of tissues have been mentioned below (Latham, 2009, pp. 89 - 96);

Nervous Tissue

Epithelial Tissue

Muscle Tissue

Connective Tissue


1. All tissues are composed of group of specialized cells whose purpose is to perform similar functions.

2. Tissues combine in a characteristic ways to form different body organs.



A series of elongated cells

A group of polygonal cells

Elongating contractile cell

Cell types that stay or move around

Extracellular Matrix


Small amount

Plenty enough

Large amount


Send impulses / nerve stimuli

Lines body surface or cavity, secretes gland material

Active movement of organs

Support and protection

Task 4 for M2 + M3

Multi-cellular organisms are complex organisms in which not all of the cells have a direct contact with the external environment. All organisms, which include both, the unicellular as well as multi-cellular organisms, need to exchange substances with their environment, which involves the in-take of required materials, an efficient transport system as well as a system for the removal of the waster product (Minuth, Strehl & Schumacher, 2005, pp. 121 - 135).

Being structurally simple, a unicellular organism (single - celled organism) can use the process of diffusion for the efficient intake and exchange of gases. In medical sciences, the process of diffusion refers to the process which helps in the spread of substances across a larger area. Small unicellular organisms have a large surface area to volume ratio. Gaseous exchange can therefore occur efficiently across the entire body.

However, as the size and complexity of an organism increase, a need for specialized transport system ...