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Their traditional orange packing is a constant presence in millions of laundry and service areas throughout the world. For over 60 years, he takes care of the clothing with care. Inside the washing machine soap powder or liquid detergent brand TIDE transforms the act of washing on a miracle, which with its highly concentrated formulas provide cleaning and enhance the whiteness of the clothes (Barwise, Meehan & MacDonald, 2011).

The story began when after many researches and studies, scientists from the American company Procter & Gamble, led by David "Dick" Byerly, created in 1943 synthetic detergent Tide composed of a combination of surfactants and phosphate. The product was marketed as a test in October 1946 with the slogan "The Washing Miracle" (something like "The miracle of laundry"), and in a few weeks became the biggest selling detergent in the country (Cao, Griffith & Weisberg, 2009). It was so successful that the store owners had to limit the number of products sold per customer.

This is because TIDE, with its distinctive orange packaging with a circular logo colorful, was far superior to its competitors, incorporating a new formula that cleaned much better than other products on the market, penetrating much deeper into clothes to remove grease stains difficult and ended up being one of the major factors that led the company to grow much in this decade (Dahiya, Kishore, Sheikh & Arora, 2010). The product has only been sold nationwide in 1949. In the next two decades the formula would be improved TIDE no less than 22 times, making the product more efficient to wash clothes. In the 50s the brand TIDE became the absolute leader in its segment in the U.S. market, reaching a share of 30%.

In the 60 and 70 the product was marketed with the brand Tide XK (Xtra Kleaning) to enhance the efficiency of the product when it was clean and carry clothes. In 1984 was introduced to the market Tide Liquid (liquid soap for washing clothes), representing the result of the overall product development in Japan, the fragrance in Europe and production in the United States. Another innovation occurred at the end of this decade, in 1988, when it was introduced in the market Tide with Bleach (for better bleaching machine) (Homan, 2011). In the 90s we launched new products such as Ultra Tide pwder (with an even greater cleaning power due to its concentrated formula) in 1990; Tide Free (laundry detergent unscented, facing consumers who were allergic) in 1992 , and the Tide with Bleach Liquid (liquid laundry detergent with bleaching properties).

At the end of this decade, in 1997, the brand was introduced in the market with the name of ACE. In the coming years, the ACE brand has gained popularity in the Brazilian market since left the white clothes as new, wiping the dirt better day-to-day and with a unique formula able to remove the grime that builds up, restoring whiteness without damage to colors (Jung, Min & Kellaris, ...
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