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Threat Analysis

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Threat Analysis

Threat Analysis

Case Assignment: Risk Assessment

Question 1: What skills and resources are necessary to execute a successful attack using portable nuclear weapons? Are there any terrorist groups that possess these skills and resources? Explain.

Terrorist organization could produce a nuclear explosive device (NED). The least technically and technologically complex will be the establishment of uranium HLL so-called "gun-type". The most difficult for terrorists is to get enough highly enriched uranium. The effectiveness of weapons to terrorists is determined not so much its accuracy or "killed" as produced by a psychological effect. Technical principles and technology of making nuclear weapons are not a secret. However, the enrichment of uranium is an extremely costly and technologically fairly complicated process, which makes this an unattractive way to terrorists. Terrorists may also attempt to purchase, take or steal highly enriched uranium (UN, 2010).

The press has repeatedly reported the arrest of criminals who were trying to sell their stolen highly-enriched uranium. In some cases, they managed to smuggle uranium across borders. Although we usually are talking about small numbers, the fact of the possibility of theft and transportation of highly enriched uranium cannot but cause the most serious concerns. Thus, to reduce the likelihood of a terrorist HLL, you first need to carefully monitor and consider the stocks of highly enriched uranium, as well as control technology, which can be used to enrich uranium.

Question 2: Are there any indicators that suggest possible intention to conduct an attack using portable nuclear weapons by any terrorist groups? Explain.

Every year on defense and security of nuclear facilities spent billions of dollars. None of the industry in the world has such a complicated system of protection. Nuclear facilities guarded by well-trained security forces, and the objects themselves are extremely durable, calculated, for example, to withstand earthquakes and hurricane-force winds and occasional small aircraft crashes. Although not every diversion must necessarily lead to the release of radioactivity, such objects are still industry and therefore do not have the strength enough to withstand military attack.

Even low-grade nuclear materials are can be used to build a dirty bomb. This class of materials is readily available in order to use a wide range of applications in military and civilian sectors. Such low-grade nuclear materials or substances are radioactive many applications have been less protected, and thus Terrorist groups are more vulnerable to abuse. This set of conditions is that a radiological release requires only conventional explosives. Hence there are many types of nuclear weapons to the most available for conversion to terrorism (Sandler, 2006).

Question 3: Do any terrorist groups have access to these weapons or do they have affiliations with groups or governments that have access to these weapons? How are these weapons likely to be smuggled into the country? Describe vulnerabilities in U.S. security.

Roughly 30,000 nuclear weapons are there in worldwide. Meanwhile, hundreds of weapons are stolen in the risk of terrorists or criminals attacks who can sell them to terrorist organizations. U.S is more likely to produce fissile material for Terrorists access to nuclear ...
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