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Threaded Discussion Questions

Threaded Discussion Questions

Managerial Responsibility in Hiring

The role of the Human Resource is to select the best individual for the job available. In doing so, the Human Resource needs to be careful in deciding whether the person hired for the post meets all the requirements that are required for that post, or not. The decisions that are taken by the HR personnel regarding the hiring of the individuals reflect their ability to select the best fit for the post available. However, the decisions made regarding the hiring of a person can also prove to be bad decisions, as the management may find that the individual hired is not up to the mark, and doesn't possess the capabilities for doing the job in the right manner, (Barron, 1985). This may have an adverse effect on the overall productivity and image of the organization, for which that individual is working.

That particular employee may not be able to generate revenues for the company and may also be a burden to the company's overall cost structure. Therefore, a bad hiring decision is the one that involves the management to recruit someone who turns out to be unproductive. Another bad decision regarding hiring of an individual can involve the HR to hire a person who is over qualified for the job. That person may not find himself less worthy of doing a job that is below his level of experience and education, and may not be a productive source. The staffing managers are the ones who need to be held responsible for this. It is the job of the HR management and their staffing and recruitment department to do a proper market research and screen all the candidates and suggest the best available candidate. The staffing management needs to know what it wants. It needs to look at the fresh requirements and candidates who have the appropriate skills for doing that job. Further, the staffing management wastes a lot of time looking into the already sent resumes that were turned down at first. It is essential for the management to keep up with the changes in the employee market, and cope up with the latest changes in the trends. The management also needs to realize that the skills set of the candidate are not restricted to his abilities of performing at the work place. A major factor that contributes in productivity of the employees is the environment in which the employee works in.

In order to avoid the adverse situations, it is essential for the management to consider the communication and leadership skills, in order to make the right decision regarding hiring of the individuals. Hiring is not just about resumes and profiles. It has got a lot to do with the connections at the personal level. In order to establish a rapport with the candidates and the employees for that matter, it is essential for the management to have talks with their employees. Interviewing the prospects can better help the management to ...
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