Threaded Discussion

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Threaded Discussion

Threaded Discussion

Equal Opportunity

The case under analysis reveals the huge role of race in employment decisions. Taking employment decisions based on race or ethnicity have been known to be highly discriminatory in nature and have affected the operations of organizations to a great extent. The managers and board of directors must be aware about the role of equal employment opportunity as a violation in this regard would greatly result in the imposition of legal penalties that would not augur well. With a profound analysis of the case, it has been found that Chaney incorporated the factors of race and ethnicity and imposed an unfair employment decision on the employee. It represents a high deal of insincerity as the employee would not have thought in his wildest dreams that he would be fired on the basis of race (Anon, 2010). The patients have a freedom to expression, and can desire the service of any professional they want. This obviously conflicts with human rights aspect of asking for a professional advice of a person of a particular race.

Impact on Human Resource Management Decisions

Such decisions have a high degree of implications for the human resource management department as the HRM department would be greatly affected by the inadequacies pertaining to equal employment. In taking professional decisions, it is highly significant for managers to display a high degree of professionalism and eliminate the concept of race or ethnicity in their decisions as it would be highly unfair on the employee (Bakke, 2013).

. The human resource department looks to employ processes and policies that are high in fairness and thus any professional decision based on race and ethnicity would have dire consequences for the performance of human resource department of organizations. The human resource department would not be able to do full justice to the organization since it would be hampered to a great extent because of the decisions that portray lack of equal employment. They have to consider the needs of the patients, and hire the people accordingly. The organization itself is not discriminatory, the patients it caters to are and they cannot tell them to go someplace else as the functioning of the business depends on their revenue.

Affirmative Action Plans

The role of affirmative action plans is immense in the context of eliminating racial protection as a number of employers look to successfully incorporate the use of affirmative action plans. The case under study reveals the massive importance of employing mechanisms for successfully formulating affirmative action plans. In order to protect themselves from the menace of racial controversies in the workplace, many employers look to formulate affirmative action plans. A majority of organizations have been plagued by the lack of attention on the aspect of Civil Rights Act of 1964. The legal authorities place great importance on the formulation of affirmative action plans as they seek to provide equal protection to the employees as well as present a mechanism for successfully taking appropriate action if any racial issue gets arisen (Federal ...
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