Thesis Statement

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Thesis Statement

Louis XIV was one of France's most productive and mighty monarchs. He reinforced his direct with a principle of absolutism. Where the monarch profited administration exactly from God or the divine right to rule. There were no lawful restricts to the forces that the monarch could workout, although, throughout his direct a monarch had certain influential assemblies of persons who the monarch required to discuss and confer in alignment to set up an productive functioning government.


Absolutism and Louis XIV Louis XIV of France had had both a long and mighty reign on the throne. He was adept to accomplish this due to the development of absolutism in France. Absolutism is characterised as the political concept that unconditional power should be vested in a lone ruler. The entire concept of absolutism initially came from philosopher Jean Bodin in the 16th Century. Louis¹ absolutism evolved with four foremost parts: The breeding of a powerful and controlled infantry, The construction of Versailles to command the nobility, The trading of nobility, and The nominated of an advisor. The first step to the creation of Louis¹ absolutism was the construction of the military. Louis made conflict an undertaking of the state. He made certain all equipped individuals in France battled only for him.


Louis XIV recognised himself exactly with the ruling of the nation. His well renowned declaration of this conviction rings down the centuries, "L'etat, c'est moi!", significance, I am the state. This was the supreme affirmation of absolutism. By the end of the reign of Louis XIV unconditional monarchy was unquestioned in France.

Louis XIV, furthermore renowned as the Sun King, was the most mighty and opulent monarch Europe had glimpsed since the Roman Empire. Political brilliance in this time span was agreed only by the genius of the writers, architects and instrumentalists bountifully encouraged ...
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