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Treatment Strategies For Shoulder Impingement In Overhead Athletes

Treatment Strategies For Shoulder Impingement In Overhead Athletes


The sports therapy and movement is based on factors relating to medicine, science and motor primarily on pedagogical elements-psychological and socio-therapeutic. Various sports therapies are available to deal with the injuries and other problems of athletes (De Mey, et al. 2012, 1906-1915). This paper will study the literature regarding therapies for the shoulder impingement in overhead athletes.

The purpose of the literate review is to critically analyse current evidence on the treatment of shoulder impingement in overhead athletes, such as Tennis, by looking at randomised control trails research, systematic reviews and case studies which will discuss treatment methods. The main key themes of the literature review are the current exercises and treatment methods, such as taping that could be used for treatment in shoulder impingement (Watson, 2013, 1-10).


Shoulder impingement

The shoulder has a significant probability of suffering from overuse injuries in all sports called "over head": volleyball, basketball, rugby, baseball, and javelin. That is when the upper limb is used above the head in athletic feats. One of the potential biomechanical mechanisms that may explain this predisposition is the altered kinematics of the scapula and the humerus secondary to muscular fatigue of crawlers (Ebaughecoll, 2006).

Shoulder impingement was initially diagnosed by Dr. Charles Neer in 1972. He took a gander at impingement that includes the compression of the supraspinatus tendon, subacromial bursa and the long leader of the biceps tendon, which are all placed under the coracoacromial arch (William, 2004, n.d.). It is important to understand and review treatment methods for shoulder impingement for sports therapists. Reviewing and comparing different treatment strategies will enable therapists to effectively treat impingements and get athletes, as well as the general pubic to fully get back to physical activity.

Taping Strategies

The taping strategy falls in line with this global vision of the body as a stimulus that assists the body to put into action the natural mechanisms of self-healing, in accordance with a global vision and three-dimensional. Many researchers have conducted studies to analyze the effectiveness of this strategy.

In the study of Yin-Hsin Hsu et al (2009, 1092-1099)which was a randomized controlled trial, Kinesio taping over the lower trapezius muscle expanded posterior tilt of the scapular when humeral elevation was 90 ° in the subjects with shoulder impingement in baseball players. Endo (2001 - cited in Hsu et al. 2009, 1092-1099) observed that the diminished scapular posterior tilt in the subjects with shoulder impingement syndrome happened around 45 ° and 90 ° of humeral elevation. These effects prescribed that there was a critical distinction when utilizing kineso taping and could be an advantageous helpful aid both in recovery facility and on pitch side.

However, although they had good results, limitations to the study were that skin-based treatment system affected the validity of the study and should be closely monitored in the future. Sample size was also not mentioned and the study didn't have specificity on whether they were testing ...
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