Therapeutic Communication

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Therapeutic Communication

Therapeutic Communication


Communication holds an inherent division of human being from the day they are born. As we know that different communication methods are utilized everyday in life which comprises of verbal transference like from a mother to child by means of loving and supportive words and nonverbal communication such as a pat on the back. The main purpose of therapeutic communication is to focus on advancing physical and emotional well being. In order words, it promotes in understanding and establishing a constructive relationship among the client and nurse. Contrasting the social relationship in which there might not be a particular aim of direction, but the therapeutic assisting relationship is directed towards client goals.

Nurses do not only require responding the client's content of verbal messages, nevertheless, their feeling as well. Most important thing that exists is to understand how clients outlook the circumstances and how they feel regarding the circumstances prior responding to the circumstances.

The importance of this concept was due to the fact that competition in the work place has increased and people, who previously lack confident, turn out to be more depressive and unable to concentrate of work and accept challenges. These people are usually those who have already put ample amount of effort in workplace and when new people and policy overtake the precious policy, these people overly lose their confident and hence results in job lost.

The focus of this paper will be on a patient problem concerning new people and new policy and his previous work which has let company to be successful. His problem will relate to different theories and core qualities and skills of the therapeutic communication in order to support him. Furthermore, therapeutic communication will be used and apply in order to support and facilitate client. Cognitive processes will be developed which can assist him in interacting with the people and lastly, an assessment for a good therapeutic communication practice which can be adopted in the work place (Wachtel, 2010)

The significance of Therapeutic Communication has been seen in many cases and applying this therapy has improved majority of the people lives. The Therapeutic Communication goal is to enhance self worth or reduce psychological distress which arises when person does not accept new things and new challenges or due to other problems. This is accomplished through gathering information for determining the disease, assessing and transforming the behavior and also offering health education. Here, the therapist would be working on structuring a therapeutic relationship with the client and restore confidence that this therapy is purely client centered.

Now how this case study will link with the Therapeutic Communication, as we know that this communication is extensively employ in the health care field, particularly in situation when a working person experience a huge amount of stress.

I would be using this kind of psychotherapy for the duration of initial consultation in order to observe the personality of the client, finding the main problem that is distributing him and to open line of ...
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