Theory Of Crime

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Theory of Crime

What's Your Theory about Crime?

Why Do You Think People Break The Law?

Answer 1)

What is your theory?

After attempting the quiz, the crime theory according to me is s sociological determinism. I believe that a person develop this criminal behavior due to the lack of education, poverty, unemployment and other factors that directly affect the thinking pattern of the person. Nobody wants to get involves in criminal behavior but these factors insist to largely contributes towards this behavior.

Answer 2)

Crime has been consider as the core behavior due to which individual involve in killings i.e. murders and manslaughters, inflicting significant injuries i.e. various kinds of assaults, forcible or abusive sexual relations i.e. rape, stealing i.e. theft or larceny, and if by force or threat of force, robbery, serious cheating i.e. fraud, entering property with bad motive i.e. burglary. It occurs everywhere and is counted as serious crime. Behaviors commonly regarded as less serious crimes include shoplifting, drug use and possession, gambling, prostitution, and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (Yaeger, 1997, pp. 143).

According to the United Nations statistics, which discuss the on the crime levels and criminal justice trends. This survey indicates that majority of the person involved in crime are because of Sociological Determinism and Biological Determinism. In order to support my argument regarding the theory of crime, I have search several articles which are in favor of my statement.

Causes of Crime

I believe, poverty is a general characterization of crime which arises due to deprivation of needs. If there is a decrease in poverty, there will be a reduction in crime also. Many children grow up without the influence of the adult males who are gang members or streetwalkers, or at least promiscuous and had become a bit more criminals. There is also a strong correlation between poverty and single parents. A woman trying to raise children without a husband is probably someone better. A man and a woman have much better chance together to raise children. Correlation between poverty and crime is high; therefore they shouldn't be put together for confusion. The only way out of poverty, greed or desire is to remove more than the expected. The cost of attending a series of crimes in the area; the risk; legal and social implications, is more disadvantageous than having a few basic needs. Other crimes includes transnational organized crime, trafficking in persons, smuggling of migrants, cyber crime, duty evasion and counterfeiting, corruption and fraud, money laundering. Police have recorded evidences and victims on homicide statistics, assaults, sexual violence, robbery, kidnapping and motor vehicle theft (Thompson, D. W. 1999, pp. 323).

Education attainment is a success because it brings positive long term impact on individual and collective way of life. A person, who has received low level of education, has more probability of showing antisocial behavior and to get involved and linked with crimes. Whereas, the person with more education has more chances to live a crime-free life. Lack of education decreases future employment opportunities ...
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