Theory: Feminist Family Therapy

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Theory: Feminist Family Therapy

Implications of Feminist Family Therapy


Feminist therapy is a collection of all related therapies that have been the outcome of the proponents' ideology that sees disproportion. The prevailing disparity between the derivations of prime psychological theories has connection with women. The name has come from major help seekers that are commonly women. The theory has adopted a certain position that females are at disadvantaged position in the entire world. According to Evans et al. (2011), the existing differences indicate the presence of different sex, sexuality, civilization, religion and other aspects that tend to separate her from the rest of the pool of people. This paper tends to gauge the implications of the theory to the latest trends.


Theoretical Assumption and Theory

The feminist therapy suggests that several kinds of issues occur due to the disempowering of social elements. These elements lay immense pressure on the women that takes away the needed balance from the society and puts women on the weakest position. Under the practice of this theory therapist and client work together as equals and share the responsibility for the success of the therapy. The therapist has to allocate certain strenuous trait of the client to each symptom. This therapy aims to address a variety of differences that impose pressure on the existence of a woman.

Role of Therapist

Therapist has to be quite vigilant and creative in unearthing the needed traits to make the therapy sessions successful. Therapists have to integrate the analysis with all aspect s of women's presence in the world. They have to identify the socioeconomic as well as political parameters of the patient or client in relation to their mental healthcare condition. These therapists must be aware of their own biases and experiences in the field. They have to eradicate any existence of ...