Theory Application Paper

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“Planned Happenstance” and “The Social Learning theory”


In this study we try to explore the concept of “Planned Happenstance” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Planned Happenstance” and its relation with “Social Learning Theory”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “Planned Happenstance” and tries to gauge its effect on “career progression and escalation through the career path”. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “Planned Happenstance” and tries to describe the overall effect of “Planned Happenstance” on “human performance” (1, 2010).

Table of Contents


“Planned Happenstance” and “The Social Learning theory”4


Literature Review5

Rationale for choosing Planned Happenstance & Social Learning Theory10


“Planned Happenstance” and “The Social Learning theory”


In order to understand the credibility of education theories, this paper has been tailored and undertaken for the sole aim and objective of identifying and comprehending the comparison that is between planned happenstance and the social learning theory. Since planned happenstance is not much a novel concept among individuals, we shall be discussed the accounts that have been brought forth by different researchers and analysts regarding these two theories. The purpose of this study was to examine the career pathways of adult career changers to better understand how unplanned events have informed their career decisions (Bandura, 1977).

Unplanned events are unexpected life situations that some may call luck, while others, fate. Examples might be a parent you have come to know through your child's school who calls to say she has started a new company and then offers a job, or a plane delay that leads to a conversation with a fellow passenger while waiting at the gate, in turn prompting a new career interest. Contingencies can also be known as happenstance events. Sometimes unplanned events can present new and exciting opportunities. They also can be tragic situations such as the death of a loved one. Such unexpected hindrances can be positive or negative and at times referred to as serendipitous event, such as meeting a person one was not expecting to meet. In the best scenario, unplanned events create situations where a person turns curiosity into an opportunity for learning and/or a change in a life pattern, job, or career. This paper reviews all those experiences and hindrances that individuals may face in the light of facing situations and circumstances of ambiguous and uncertain nature and also makes ways to highlight and identify individuals with respect to contingency treatment.

Literature Review

Krumboltz's Theory of Planned Happenstance

Being aligned with reference to career development and progression analysis, John Krumboltz came forth with an effective solution and a practical assumption, labeled 'Planned Happenstance'. According to Krumboltz, the theory caters the need of individuals and young people to deal with and come across with change within the rapidly changing labor market. Managing life's transitions is seen as an essential and effective career management trait (Bandura, Ross & Ross, 1961). At the core of this theory is the fact that unpredictable social factors, chance events, contingencies and uncertainties are important influences ...
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