Theories Of Management

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Theories of Management

Theories of Management


Sketch out a simple organisation chart showing Tucker Company's three divisions. Including the location of the laboratory why would the laboratory be located in the military jet engine division?


Tucker Company three divisions represent the three product lines, it includes, military jet engines, commercial jet engines, and turbines of utility. I have designed organizational chart in such a manner that every division is headed by vice president, who will directly report to the president of company named Mr. Harnett. Under new structure every division will have their own manufacturing, accounting, and engineering department, it is very important for division to use the other division department services, these services will help in preventing additional facilities and additional staffing cost, which will be realized. Under proposed organizational chart laboratory department will be shared, under this system laboratory manager will directly report to manager of military jet engine division, the reason laboratory located at the military jet engine division is because of hierarchy. Moreover, in past engineering department utilized the testing facility of laboratory for determining the materials properties selected by designed engineers. Moreover, I have proposed a cross functional team, it consist of employees from different functional department, as they are responsible to met up team for resolving issues, under this system organizational member will still report to functional departments, under this one departmental member will be a leader to whom every member of department will report (Dickson1939 148-152).

Today, there are many companies who focus on cross functional team, such as coca-cola they utilize the method of cross functional teams; it helps them to work on compensation and vacation policies. Hallmark also employ a cross functional team, they gather lithographers, writers, artistes, photographers and designers which helps in establishing greeting for any specific season. This team approach can minimize time and result in producing more greeting cards in market. This horizontal coordination is very important for complementing current divisional structure.

I have proposed a solution by designing new organizational chart for tucker company, under this system, tucker can employ various number of workers from every department and work as a team to overcome arising problems. An equal number of people will be selected from all three departments, furthermore, problems are going to be discussed, which are encountered at workplace, addressing of these problems will assist in dealing scheduling and various other issues. With the help of this structure members of each department will be able to resolve scheduling conflict, which take place from senior members of organization currently in Tucker Company. With my proposed structure, Tucker Company will be able to retain in depth training and economies of scale, it will improve relationships among teams and provide benefits to an organization. This new concept of team will split and breakdown the barriers among departments. It will help in getting awareness about other departmental issues and organizational members will compromise with each other rather than pursuing their self interest (Bowman 2004 395-397).

Question- 2

Analyse the conflict between Hodge and Franklin Do you ...
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