Theories Of Innovation

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Theories of Innovation

Theories of Innovation

Theories of Innovation, Change and Creativity


The only thing that is constant in this world is change. So, if one wants to stay abreast and want to meet his or her steps with rest of the world then in this scenario it is imperative for him or her to adopt new phenomenon, new methodologies and new technology. When talking about acing challenges and adoption of new technologies and procedures. With this regard, the phenomenon of innovation and change is very important. Nowadays, every business, entrepreneurs and individuals are adopting these concepts of innovation, creativity and change. These concepts of innovation, change and creativity are becoming the central part of the strategies of the business and individuals. There is no even a single filed that can survive in today's cutthroat competitive environment without adopting innovative and creative strategy. For that purpose it is also significant that the organization should have such an environment that encourages creativity and innovation. Moreover, the concepts of the innovation and creativity can also be embraced with the help of the leadership. The aim and objective of this paper is also to talk about these concepts of innovation, creativity and change, their prevalence in organization, organizational culture and leadership that support these ideas.

Critical Review of Theories of Innovation, Change and Leadership of Innovation

Today's competitive business environment requires maximum creativity for organizational success. International rivalry, technological complexities, and rapid information flow demands a new level of organizational innovation. Rapid changes flying toward managers and workers require self-management skills for coping and creativity. Variegated theories and models are developed by the scholars and practitioners. These theories and models are giving boost to the prevalence and the usage of innovation, creativity and change. The following part of the paper presents the critical review of the theories and models of innovation and creativity.

Reflection on Theoretical Models of Creativity, Innovation and Change in Relation to the Role of Team and Organizational Leadership

Innovation can be defined as the creation or modification of a product, and its introduction into a market. The word innovation comes from the Latin which means to act or effect to innovate, to become new or renewal, introducing a novelty. Innovation goes hand in hand with continuous improvement. The difference is that in the process of continuous improvement are short-term results, and the changes are gradual, while innovation is noticed great changes and results can be seen in medium term.

Creativity is perhaps the best known source of innovation and its application. But creativity cannot handle all of the innovation process as a tool as the process of innovation is too complex and needs to have certain limits. In general, creativity means to produce objects or ideas that did not previously exist. Creativity can be defined precisely as the mental process that helps generate ideas. That is, it generates a host of solutions to a specific problem, but only through a rational debugging can be reached best. Creativity channelled through structured logic results in innovations ...
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