Theories For Shaping Working And Learning Environments

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Theories For Shaping Working And Learning Environments

Theories For Shaping Working And Learning Environments


The normative order has a significant impact on the economy and law structured for the organization. Therefore, the role of economic strategies and policies is evident in the function of normative order in the organizations. Healthcare organizations uses diverse normative utilitarian scheme so that each entity in the organization abide by the rules and regulations set to achieve organizational goals and objectives.


Sociological Concept of the Normative Order

Norms produced by organizations differ considerably according to their viewers, subject-matter and the type under which they are implemented and espoused. The objective of normative order is to establish successful management process in the organization. It makes it easier for organizations to plan, direct, organize and employ resources to achieve set goals and objectives. Normative orders provide limitations to working people according to the activities and responsibilities.

In the light of sociological concept, the normative order is cultural values and norms that are considered to be constituent of social organization and constancy. These norms promote social activity and outcomes that should take place in the organization while restricting activities and outcomes that should not take place in the organization (Kostritsky, 2013). This implies that only those activities are promoted in the organizations that are socially valued. Normative economics deals with a set of rules and regulations that are needed to be pursued in the organization to achieve desired economic outcomes while law normative orders reflect upon things that must be done according to the significant position (Kostritsky, 2013).

Normative Orders in Healthcare Organizations

To start off one example of the cowrker whi works in the healthcare and falls in sick is that there is one of my colleagues who usually do not come to the office due to falling sick. Gradually it has become a routine for him to take leaves due to this reason.the impact of his off on the other activities is that the already sick people gets neatively affected because his job does not get performed on that day. There are also some other factors that needs to be considered if an employee in healthcare calls in sick regularly. These are defined in the later section.

In health care organizations, the professional working group works in normative mode. The code of ethics, behavior and professional training of these professionals modify their participation in the organization (Liebler, 2011). Healthcare organizations today have overlapping, and challenging subdivided cultures that deter the overall performance of an organization. In health care organizations, more than one pattern of authority is that provides fewer limits to health professionals while greater limits to unskilled and semi-skilled labors (Liebler, 2011). The main objectives of health care institutions today are to establish functions to maintain society and perform adaptive functions for researches and higher education.

Normative laws and values help an organization achieve its goals through the practice of shared culture within organizational settings. The health care organizations employ diverse normative utilitarian structure. The administrators and managers in ...
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