Theories For Action

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Personal Application Assignment on Argyris and Schön's Theories for Action

Personal Application Assignment on Argyris and Schön's Theories for Action


The relationship between a supervisor and a subordinate is a complex one, but there are several underlying guidelines that remain consistent across organizations. The guidelines include compliance with the supervisor's lawful order, respect for the subordinate and both supervisor and subordinate should show humility. An organization's hierarchical structure hinges on the ability of supervisors to delegate tasks and for the subordinates to successfully carry out those tasks. If subordinates disagree with an order and refuse to carry it out due to personal biases, this slows down the progress of the project and undermines the very institution of a “top down” management style. The only way for a tradition organization to operate like a well-oiled machine is for subordinates to excuse the legal orders of a supervisor to the best of his/her ability. Even though supervisors are in an elevated position within the organizations chart, they must respect their subordinates. They must treat them with dignity and consideration if they expect them to perform at their best. Example like in war, soldiers fight each other and their leaders more than for the political goals of their country. Supervisors and subordinates need to show humility. If something is wrong, they need to talk about it openly. Acceptance of one's mistakes and shortcomings provides the stepping stone for personal growth.

The theories of action, developed by Argyris and Schön, are of two types; espoused theories and theories-in-use. Espoused theories are those that a person knows about (Argyris and Schön, 1974). Contrastingly, theories-in-use are those that are unknown to an individual. The theories-in-use are those that are implied by the behavior of an individual. Clearly, the ideas presented by Argyris' and Schön's theories, highlights how everyone is affected by their thoughts (Argyris, 1991). Where, they will consciously or subconsciously affect what actions they take. These theories help ensure that people are utilizing the best principals required: using the different ideas outlined in the theory. This will provide them with a way of seeing the total effects that their thoughts will have on an individual or group (Putnam et al, 1985). At which point, they can be able to determine what course of action, would have the most positive outcome. There are some relationships that are dealt with in an effective manner and at the right time. However, some of the time, people are not able to deal with a conflict or problem at the right time in an effective manner.


I have learnt a lot from the incidents at my work place. I am going to discuss an example of a PAA that happened between me and my sergeant. My past supervisor had a reputation for being difficult to work with. He had been over 20 years on the department, most of which were as a sergeant. While I'm was a rookie nightshift patrol in the busiest beat in Houston downtown area, it was not uncommon ...
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