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Theories of Leadership Motivation and Communication Health Services

Theories of Leadership Motivation and Communication Health Services


Leadership can be explained as a procedure whereby one person affects the others for the purpose of achieving goals and relating to the organization. Leadership is the ability to influence and motivate individuals to do something to achieve the goals. Leadership is one of the most important elements that must be met in the administrative person, as it is the cause of achieving the objectives of the institutions with the highest degree of efficiency and effectiveness. Leadership is essential for managers, especially with globalization and decentralization of decision-making power of managers in medium and large businesses.

This mechanism of globalization ensures that the ability to conduct a business without having to hand the power to rally and bring people together and direct them to one direction would be almost impossible. Steve Jobs is a great example of a leader in its field and is able to delegate leadership to others, "when you hire really good people you have to give them a piece of the business and let 'them run with it “. The effectiveness of the method used by the leader in a particular situation concerning the health service organization may vary according to circumstances. Within this organization, some define leadership as the function of the guide and influences others and lead them to achieve ambitious goals. For others, the leader is a coach that trains individuals to be assisted them in performing their duties (Edwards, Richard, & John, Yankey, 2006).


Where health service is of concern, leadership is of immense importance. Leadership's functions and activities of manger tend to influence successful performance and goal or outcome attainment with respect to health service organization. While talking about leadership concepts incorporated by mangers with respect to health service organization one can see clear cut variations. Somme deal with medical centers that are academic ones some deal with system of health that consist of various hospitals and some deal with centers such as rehabilitation, urgent need of ambulance etc. In some cases, hospitals remain the only provider in their communities, smaller, narrower in the area of services, and services limited to primary and secondary care that are within its range of technology and professional skills. Others are of moderate size and scope. In each case, leadership is facing similar challenges related to changing reimbursement systems, the shortage of medical workforce, new technologies, and the waves of patients cannot pay for their services.

Day hospitals face competitive environments in which not only other hospitals, but their suppliers of medical equipment generally pursue competing interests (eg, in building their own surgery centers and therefore, pulling share hospital market). As professionals, health leaders will be faced with more competition in the coming years. This I where the concept of leadership comes forward for mangers especially for health service organizations to and how they should use with by keeping in mind leadership's function and activities in order to attain their ultimate ...
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