Theoretical Traditions

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Theoretical Traditions of Sociology and Their Impact on the Social Organization of Societies

Theoretical Traditions of Sociology and Their Impact on the Social Organization of Societies


In this essay plan, I am going to write a comparison of two theoretical traditions of sociology, which are Durkheim theory of Social Class, and Marxist theory and class consciousness. Durkheim talks about harmony, solidarity and social cohesion. He supports functionalism and says that different organs of the society are interdependent on each other. Therefore, social cohesion is essential to maintain harmony. He sees conflict as abnormal (Isajiw, 2002, p.10). On the other hand, Marxism considers conflict as the essential characteristic of society. According to this perspective, there is a conflict between the ruling and the working class.

On the whole, Durkheim supports structural functionalism, which says that human behaviour is based on the way the society is structured, while, Marists supports conflict theory. Therefore, by comparing these two theories it will be interesting to understand the social organization of societies. I will also include examples to support my essay plan and the final essay.

Key Arguments: Durkheim Theory of Social Class

Durkheim was the supporter of functionalism. According to the functionalist perspective, different organs are systems of the societies are interdependent on each other. In order for the society to function effectively, it is essential that these organs function effectively, because if any of the organ stops functioning, its impact can be seen on the whole society (Isajiw, 2002, p. 10). For instance, consider body as a society, and organs of the body as the organs of society. If any organ of the human body stops functioning, the survival of the body or person becomes difficult (Tischler, 2010, p.103). On the other hand, it is very important to have social cohesion so that the society can function effectively. Social cohesion means that the members of the society agree to have a social order which is beneficial for the whole society. I will include following two types of social cohesion in my essay:

Mechanical Cohesion

Mechanical cohesion means that the members of the society have the same tradition, values and beliefs due to which social cohesion is possible. The essay will also highlight examples which show that mechanical cohesion is usually present is societies, which strongly hold their cultural values (Isajiw, 2002, p.10).

Organic Solidarity

Organic solidarity allows citizens to hold varying values and traditions. They can engage in different types of ...
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