Theoretical Framework Of Social Theory

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Theoretical Framework of Social Theory

Theoretical Framework of Social Theory


Society is a complicated phenomenon based on different cultures, ethnicity, religions, attitudes, values and beliefs. Many sociologists make use of different theories to understand the processes and functions of society in detail. Importance of theoretical framework such sociology theory lies in the fact that it provides with a road map to understand different social processes and structures that prevail in the society. It provides useful meanings of how and why certain things or processes are taking place. It helps in understanding the life in a better manner by providing details like causes and effects of processes and situations that take place in everyday life.


Giddens define Sociology as Sociology is the study of human social life, groups and societies. It is a dazzling and compelling enterprise, having as its subject matter our own behavior as social beings”. The concept of sociology gained importance in the 19th century. With the advent and innovation in technology and science people believed that there was an explanation behind every situation or process taking place in the environment and science can be uses a means to explain every phenomenon to resolve different problems that are face by human beings living in a society (Livesey, 2005, pp.1). Sociology theory is a theoretical framework that provides basic understanding of social actions, its causes and effect to provide deeper understanding of a society and why people living in it behave in a certain manner. It provides understanding of the social processes and actions by analyzing the society as a whole and studying the individuals. Additionally it also includes studying facts like how the society helps in shaping individuals and how individuals contribute towards the society by acting or reacting in a certain manner.

Theoretical Framework of Social Theories

Social theories are important for understanding the different processes taking place in the society so that people know how society operates. It is only possible to solve the problems or find solution to a societal issue when the basis of different activities and operations in society are known and understood in detail. Sociology provides three different types of framework to make sense of societal processes and actions of individuals. First framework is that of functionalism that suggests that society is a type of a system which consists of different institutions, groups, roles that are interdependent parts of a system and provide for different functions in the society. The system can be changed by getting rid of those parts that are not performing and ineffective and keeping those that are effective or adapting new ones. Different parts of system need to maintain social stability in the system and this need is explained by the social behavior of different groups or individuals in the society. The second framework is that of a Conflict theory which explains that society is the result of cause and conflict between different individuals or groups. People in a society are always competing for resources and have different desire and values that ...
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