Theoretical Framework And Application

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Theoretical Framework and Application


The research paper is based on theoretical analysis and therapeutic application of psychoanalysis for the case of Margarita. In theoretical analysis, the research paper elucidates historical background of psychoanalysis. Further the fraud's psyche model organizational, structural and psychogenic model is described. For the case of Margarita, the goals of therapy are assessment and diagnosis, treatment considerations and seeking psychiatric help. The treatment includes therapeutic Alliance (Working Alliance), transference, free association, clarification, interpretation, confrontation and working through in order to meet the therapeutic goals designed for the specific case. The treatment of the patient is consisted of three phases initial, middle and termination phase.


Theoretical Analysis1

1.Theory's Origin1

2.Basic Philosophy of Psychoanalytical Theory1

3.Personal Views3

4.Evidences Supporting Psychoanalysis4

5.Psychoanalysis for Diverse Population5


Theoretical Application5

6.Therapy Goals5

7.Interventions and Techniques6

8.Cultural Considerations8

9.Strengths and Limitations8



Theoretical Framework and Application


Theoretical Analysis

Theory's Origin

In the nineteen century psychoanalytic theory and practice was developed by Sigmund Freud. It states a distinctive perspective of mental framework and the way of taking action to suffering. It originated in Europe and travelled all around the world. Psychoanalysis has developed into a composite, comprehensive, within, split theory at the edge of social and biological sciences, and amongst clinical practice and scholarly philosophy. Despite of the critics of European foundation, the theory has been widely adopted in a verity of cultures (Bondi, Liz, 2007).

Basic Philosophy of Psychoanalytical Theory

Freud put forward a theory of the psyche, a procedure of exploring unconscious processes, and approaches of treatment. The core concept of psychoanalytical theory is unconscious mental processes. Behaviors are the result of unconscious motivations and instincts. Sexual and aggressive need have a major effect on personality.

Freud's Model of The Mind

To demonstrate psyche working Freud formatted hypothetical model of mind.

1.Organization of Psyche- a topographic model

Freud divided mind into conscious, preconscious and unconscious. Conscious mind operates current working or awareness. The preconscious consists of getting aware of something without thinking whereas, the unconscious is the part beyond awareness. All the needs, cognition and emotions resulting anxiety, clashes and distress lie in the unconscious. These needs, cognitions, and emotions guide our behaviors and actions.

2.Working of personality- a structural model of psyche

Structural model is comprised of id, ego and superego. The functioning of id involves unconscious and is connected to instinctual and biological procedure. The source of energy is Eros, an instinct of love, development, and self-preservation. The other is Thanatos, aggressive and death drive. Id operates on 'pleasure principle', stimulation causing anxiety, for whichid wants to satisfy of reduce.

Ego transforms the id impulses acceptable to the real world. Ego operates on 'reality principle'. It postpones the release of energy from id till the object is located.Ego lacks moral sense. Super ego is the source of moral guidance. The violation of the principles of super ego produces anxiety encountered as guilt. Self-indulgence and criminality reflects weak super ego.

The tension between id and super ego produces three types of anxiety. Neurotic anxiety, states that id will becomes uncontrollable. Moral anxiety, actions are immoral, reality anxiety, perceived threats in the surroundings. Defense mechanisms deal with this ...
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