Theoretical Approaches

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Theoretical Approaches

Analysis of Theoretical Approaches

Analysis of Theoretical Approaches


The significance and role of leadership in the domain of public health could not be denied in any way which is attached with the development of competent health practitioners and professionals. Various studies and literature focusing on leadership development have identified five contemporary leadership approaches, however the most appropriate and effective leadership approach could not be pin pointed as it mainly depends on the industry and the nature of organization where the leadership framework is required to be implemented. Transformational leadership approach is gaining increased importance in today's corporate society and among the leaders due to its effectiveness, lowering down the scope of transactional leadership which has been used since decades (Walumbwa, Lawler, Avolio, Wang and Shi, 2005, pp. 9). Even though transactional leadership is argued by various authors and researchers to be important as it is formed of the basics, it failed to counter the emergence of diverse leadership approaches that in addition to transformational leadership includes authentic, spiritual, servant and charismatic leadership (Storey, 2004, pp. 24). This assignment is undertaken with the aim to compare and contrast two most suitable leadership approaches with relevance to the domain of public health, following which analysis most effective leadership approach that is aligned with my own view and leadership approach will be selected. Subsequently, the implications of this approach will be reflected upon so that I could effectively assume the style during my current and future professional activities and roles. In addition to that, this assignment will also envisage and comprehend how the selected leadership approach and aligned leadership will be implemented whilst working in those activities and roles.


The two leadership approaches that have been selected for this assignment to be focused upon; comparison and contrast, are spiritual leadership and servant leadership. The domain of public health is seen to be an emblem of team and hence success is usually associated with effective team work and group efforts. This is the major factor that necessitates the requirement of leaders and effective leadership in the field of public health. The success and failure of any operation or project, the health of the patient among many other critical factors ride on what the leader has to say and the stance that will be taken by the leader.

Public Health Leadership Competency Framework

Leadership is thus of immense importance in public health and it is for this purpose that leadership competency framework has been modified solely for its application in the arena of public health so that it remains aligned with the domain on every level. One of the most known frameworks that will be briefly considered here in an attempt to effectively justify the two suitable leadership approaches pertaining to public health which will be analyzed to meet the requirements of this assignment, is designed by the National Public Health Leadership Development Network. The core transformational competencies required for the leader to be effective in the field of public health as highlighted in the framework are ...
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