Theoretical Analysis Of Google Case Study

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Theoretical analysis of Google case study

Executive Summary

Google was incorporated in year 1998 by two entrepreneurs with the objective of collecting world entire information and presenting it to user without compromising on the quality and integrity of the information. From the outset, company strives towards the accomplishment of their mission and because of quality leadership company witness phenomenal success within the launch of its operations.

The primary objective of this report was to conduct a theoretical analysis of Google case study in which story of its phenomenal success is being illustratively explained. In order to achieve the objective report has been divided into three parts, the first part of the report provides brief explanation of its practices that disclose its value and role of value in phenomenal success. The second part of the report provides brief explanation of the way through which Google develops attitude and emotions among its employees and in final section comprises of brief explanation of Google effectiveness in innovation management.





Theoretical Analysis of case study



Google values and role in its success



How Google develop attitude and emotions among its employees



Factors contributing towards Google effectiveness in innovation management






Top-Down innovation



Entrepreneurial innovation model








Theoretical analysis of Google case study


Google, Inc. is also known as a Delaware corporation whose head office is situated at Mountain View, California. The organization initiated in year1998 by two entrepreneurs Larry Page and Sergey Brin as internet search engine with the mission of organizing and providing people with useful information from across the globe. Google with the help of quality leadership was able to move towards the accomplishment of its mission from the beginning and it's off the record slogan launched by Paul Buchheit was “Don't be evil” (Caufield, 2005).

At present Google comprises of more than one million servers in its data center across the globe and is known for dealing with more than one billion search request along with twenty-four Peta bytes of user created information daily. Since its inauguration, company has witnessed tremendous success that has resulted in manufacturing of vast range of products and services like (Gmail service, Google chrome, Google talk and various others), mergers and partnership outside of its primary business operation(Cole et al, 2006). The next section of this report will present a theoretical analysis of Google case study by providing in-depth analysis of values of Google and its role in company prevailing success, ways through which Google develops attitude and behavior among its employees and company's effectiveness in innovation management.


Theoretical analysis of the case study

Q1) Google practices reveals about its value and corporation of value in company success

The success and value of Google is apparent across the globe even prior to when its biggest competitor Yahoo close its operations in year 2004, the company was satisfying the needs of around 80 percent of web searchers. The company continuous to increase its market share as it currently covers half of the searches requested in Web on a daily bases.

In year, 2003 company was able to gain comprehensive revenue from advertising, ...