Theology Of Missions

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Theology of Missions

Theology of Missions

2 Old Testament and 2 New Testament texts that relate to mission

Old Testaments

The Pentateuch (Torah)

It is amazing the universal approach of Genesis 1-11. Although these chapters provide an introduction to the history and religion of Israel, no mention Palestine, or Jerusalem, or Israel, God is the Creator and Lord of all. Despite reflect a worldview different from all other ancient peoples, in these chapters God is interested in all nations. For all have turned away from him, require the judgment and salvation. Precisely because it takes the redemption, God called Abraham to form a people who can reveal his will for humanity and develop their plan of redemption. So when he calls Abraham says: "be blessed in thee shall all families of the earth". Christians have always noticed other glimpses of the Redeemer in the Pentateuch. For example, in Genesis 3.15 proto-gospel: "This will crush your head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." Also Genesis 49.10 may be a reference to the Messiah: "The scepter shall not of Judah until Shiloh come".

The writings (Ketubim)

The Psalms hold a vision of glory and the dominion of God beyond the borders of Israel. What I think a people is reflected in his singing. In the Psalter we find a great treasure of the theology of the Old Testament. Often the psalmists express the hope and promise that all nations shall worship the Lord. "And all the families of the nations shall worship before thee. Because of the Lord is the kingdom. He rules over the nations". "All nations you have made shall come and worship before You, Lord". Generally thought that the wisdom books show a very limited view, but even here there is a universal scope. By the way, indicated an openness to other people (e.g., Job is a character that was not exclusively under Israeli).

New Testament

The Four Gospels

The New Testament begins with the four canonical Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Although the Gospels are at the beginning, they are created only after the letters of Paul. Content they describe mainly the period from the first public appearance of Jesus to his death, with the presentation of recent days is up to his death by crucifixion in great detail. Included are many sayings and speeches as well as combined miracle stories, theological interpretations, parables and dialogues between Jesus, his followers and his opponents.

The Book of Acts

A key measure is the Pentecost and the sending of the disciples. The "Acts of the Apostles" includes the stoning of the first martyr, Stephen. In addition, the text provides information about the early church in Jerusalem (Jerusalem church) and on the lives of early Christians. In addition, it is about the mission work of the Apostle Paul. The book of Acts ends with the last station of Paul in Rome. Acts of the Apostles Acts of the Apostles: Acts (Also, "Acta Apostolorum").

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