Thematic Analysis On Friendship

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Thematic Analysis on Friendship


Thematic analyses have been used to analyze an interview conducted on the topic of friendship with Trevor. In the interview the importance of friends in our lives was discussed and evaluated. According to Christakis and Fowler everything that occurs in our life, every choice we make and our every experience is influenced by our social circle, whether done so consciously or subconsciously (2008).

Our friendships also play the part of a regulatory system in our lives as we learn to mould and modify our behavior according to the acceptable peer and social norms. Friends play the part of an extended family, who guides us through our lives and assist in decisions. Friendships between men is slightly different then that off women. Their interaction is activity based and they generally socialize in two or larger groups (Maccoby, 1998).

Thematic Analysis on Friendship


Friendships can be divided into two different categories of social structures. According to Ferdinand Tönnies they are either based on emotional intimacy and familiarity or are community oriented based on rational calculative moves.

The initial studies on friendship by a sociologist suggested friendship to be the essence of collectivism and socialism, which is one of the characteristics of those individuals who are part of smaller groups with tight ties with regards to patriarchy.

Thematic Analysis

The reason of the thematic analysis is to "capture all the unpredictability of likely situations with regard to a theme looked into and a sequence of interviews." In this approach, what is required is reliability and continuity according to comparable positioning of persons in relation to a matter specified by the researcher. The concern involves eradicating, handling and categorization of fragments of dialogue as formerly recognized in a grid theme. The thematic analysis is founded on the interview of Trevor about his friendship with his close and old friend Tom. Their friendship was formed long ago and today they are very close friends. One of the main themes of their friendship is how they knew they could depend on each other for everything, from being a best man to the other and knowing they had a friend who would always be there is what kept them this tight and close throughout the years. They got through fallouts and fights, with a simple 'sorry' because of how they are more like a brother to each other. Trevor was Tom's instructor and helped him lose weight and Tom stuck around when things were hard for Trevor which is why they had such a close bond throughout.

During the route of whole interview, we can stumble on the traces of this theme. According to Trevor, “it's more alike a brother relationship than a friendship I suppose, alike you know when you get that really close friend”.

Trevor has high regards for Tom's friendship. He strongly believes that Tom is the sort of individual everyone ought to have. As he is the sort of friend you can rely on to be there in not just good times, but the worst ...
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