Theatre And Mental Illness

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[Theatre and Mental Illness]



I would first like to express my gratitude for my research supervisor, colleagues, and peers and family whose immense and constant support has been a source of continuous guidance and inspiration.


I [type your full first names & surname here], declare that the following dissertation/thesis and its entire content has been an individual, unaided effort and has not been submitted or published before. Furthermore, it reflects my opinion and take on the topic and is does not represent the opinion of the University.


Feelings of shame and stigma that causes the disease between sufferers and their families are currently the cause of many patients are not diagnosed or treated, especially at the beginning of the disorder, where treatment success is higher. Often people suffering from mental illnesses have great difficulties in everything related to the expression of emotions, which will lead to severe emotional deprivation and quite significant, and the same is true when it comes to communication and social interaction, impaired by not being able to cope in a autonomous and independent. Our study suggests the theatre is a therapeutic option for treating diseases as it provides an opportunity to people who have been shutting off their emotional responses to things for quite a long time. It provides them with an avenue to unleash their emotions and achieve catharsis through the process.

Table of Contents




Aims and Objectives1

Research Question/Hypothesis2



Research Design5





One in four people suffer mental illness throughout his life. It can be a friend, a father, a sister or co-worker. In this sense, people with mental illness must face a double challenge to recover, the disease itself and prejudice and discrimination they receive for this disorder. Stigma is a burden of suffering that unnecessarily increases disease problems and is one of the main obstacles to success and recovery of these people. (Avebury 2002 40)

Feelings of shame and stigma that causes the disease between sufferers and their families are currently the cause of many patients are not diagnosed or treated, especially at the beginning of the disorder, where treatment success is higher. Also, fear and loathing of society closes many doors to these people: health, employment, housing or social relations. (Algozzine 2001 56)

Since ancient theatre and body language in its many variants has been and is a remarkable and important aspect, not only because much of them can be removed, but the advantages and benefits they gain, not as a means of development and expression, but , and in the field in question, the mental illness, as an excellent therapeutic purpose. (Zuber 2001 250)

Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives of the study are to:

Find out the traditional view of society to mental illnesses

Outline the role theatre has played in improving the perception of people suffering from mental illnesses

Research Question/Hypothesis

The study aims to answer the following questions:

How does society generally view mentally challenged people?

What is the role of theatre in reducing stigma associated with people ...
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