The World Is Over-Populated

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The world is over-populated


Today humanity lives outside the normal environmental conditions. Overpopulation is not so much a question of space, as limited resources, and above all, as a direct result of extinction of species that coexist in the region crowded with the human species. It is estimated that about 99.9% of all species that have arisen in the planet are now extinct for whatever reason, being the main cause of extinction today human activity, in addition to that without the, human species extinctions never had come to occupy all ecosystems on the planet (Thomas, 115). The concept of overpopulation is based on the principle that every country has a certain capacity, which is determined by the amount of resources available, and the renewal fee from them. The population of any species reaches its optimum when it equals the capacity if, the stock rises above the carrying capacity, there will be overcrowding. The size of the populations fluctuates, but it is a fundamental principle of sustainability has not continued growth, in addition to using solar energy, and maintains biodiversity and recycling of materials.

Thesis Statement

There is no limit to the increase of population in a society, but the world is over-populated is a myth.


Even twenty years ago, all the journalists of the world were used to panic people about the myth of "overpopulation of the planet Earth. They scared people that more people will grow like an avalanche, and soon mankind will not be able to feed it and choke on their own waste and garbage. Today, talk is totally different. So what's really - there is a problem of overpopulation today? The answer is no. It is a myth created by the English economist Thomas Robert Malthus.

The population grew slowly until the early eighteenth century. Since then, the number of people has increased by 10, and production by more than 60. In the early twentieth century life expectancy was 28 years and is now 65 and need to work less to live incomparably better. Besides history, there are two economic reasons for welcoming the largest population as a blessing. The first is that more people can work more complex and accurate thanks to the market, and invites the longest life savings and capital accumulation. The second is that a part of this new wealth is to improve our environment (Hopfenberg, 109). The richer we are, the better we leave the planet. The Earth can support more people, but as long as wealth is poorly distributed and not settles for an austere life, there is an urgent concern for reducing the rate of growth. This is a new culture, for which we must be reeducated. Before the twentieth century, humanity has developed for a clear pattern:

To support people who have to handle as many as possible of the earth. Taking into account the possible death of the crop from weather conditions or diseases, it is better to plant more than is necessary for subsistence. So there was a perception that every family should ...
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