The Workplace

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The Workplace

The Workplace


Many organizations are working to cerate an effective environment through which they could provide a diversified environment for their workers. Thus, it is necessary to develop training materials on managing diversity and equality in the workplace. Its overall aim is to increase the capacity of employers' organizations and other associations representing businesses to help them and assist them in creating or improving efforts on these elements in the workplace, so that this would channel the potential of a workplace characterized by diversity and equality between the sexes.

Discussion and Analysis

The success of a company based on people who are part of it. In action, diversity and equality are the pillars of growth and social progress that structure their corporate philosophy. Much organization has backed the creation of ethical values and principles for the promotion of equal opportunities in all aspects of people management. It also has programs in place, internal procedures and, actions to create a working environment free from discrimination of any kind and to promote diversity. An ongoing dialogue ensures the application of these values with social partners. This dialogue can be translated into the achievement of important milestones in the field of equality and diversity, including the development of female employment in sectors with little representation, the integration of people with disabilities and marginalize groups, among others. (Oscar, 2009)

Diversity and equality approach at work

Equality, as a working definition might be "total absence of discrimination between human beings, with respect to their rights." However, it can be believed that this is not enough, but is a much broader and encompassing so many factors that can; in many cases, this even determines our lives. Inequality has been present since the beginning of time, and the people have maintained a constant struggle against it, but rarely achieved equality proposal, and it was during the French Revolution when it reached its integrity as a concept and a value began to be advocate globally, represented in the motto: "Liberty, equality and fraternity."

Why deal with sexual diversity in the workplace?

The workplace is a fundamental social space in the lives of people and therefore the working time for their daily life and its proximity, a vital key to make visible, to make clear the equality, dignity of lesbian, gays, transsexuals and bisexuals. The historic legal reforms won in recent years have been essential for progress towards these goals, even beyond the strict recognition of rights (and duties), but despite what you might think, are not enough. From that, everyday work environment is a fantastic deal.

The challenge that we face lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender is now conquer our dignity, our visibility also in those spaces. Encouraging people with a disability to follow a career in social housing can be tackled through a raft of different initiatives under the wider diversity and equality banner. The Housing Corporation's head of policy, Richard Capie, says that housing associations are expected to "demonstrate the diversity across the board" and that, since 2003, regulatory criteria have set out ...
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