The White Bird By John Berger

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The White Bird By John Berger

The White Bird By John Berger


Born on 5th November, 1926, John Peter Berger is a famous English novelist, painter, art critic and a poet. His one of the most well known writing essay includes “The white bird” which is discussed by other art critics very often. The essay mostly includes the revolutionary opinions and point of views regarding the white bird, the relationship between art, nature and the world. Moreover, it also explains the possible social and political aspects in arts. Later, in the year 2004, Professor Licker from the University of Alaska Anchorage, wrote another essay on his opinion on the Berger's essay on The White Bird. This essay also attracted the attention of many professionals in the field of art critics.


Berger and the White Bird

Berger's Essay includes many important aspects. Making a white bird the object of discussion in his introduction, Berger describes the five qualities that evoke in an individual the aesthetic sense or emotion. According to him, the symbolic nature and figurative representation of the white bird, respect for the material used for the construction, the coherency of the bird with culture and the mysteries of hidden in the final form of the wooden statue.

In the rest of the essay, Berger gives the unusual experience to the user of the magical world of art and nature. In contrast he also explains his opinion that art is irrelevant and unworthy unless and until it is used to portray and depict the social and political controversies of the society and the injustice done to the common helpless men.

The last paragraph is the most intriguing and yet the most interesting portion of the entire essay. Berger brings the white bird back into the discussion and then mention the irony that the wooden white birds ...
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