The White Bird - A Response Essay

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The White Bird - A Response Essay

The White Bird - A Response Essay

In his essay, Berger talks about the ancient craft of European peasants which they used to survive winters that were way too cold for the humans. In particular, the author sheds light on the making of mobiles that were supposed to facilitate the flight of white birds and were made of wood. When these mobiles are completed, they are attached to a piece of thread and are then hung in kitchens and chapels. They are hung in a position where they will fly because of the current in the air.

The white birds in the opinion of the writer possess five qualities (Kohler, 2008). These are essential qualities of aesthetic emotion. The author expresses a discomfort and lack of satisfaction with his own intellectual direction. He ponders why it is so important for him to create a close connection between nature and art and art with the rest of the world.

The author adopts a very unique style of writing in that he is moving in one direction and then quickly swifts into another mode, tone and direction. When he talks of nature, he takes the tone of a critic and this tone is quite harsh quite severe in its form. He expresses another controversial idea that states the presence of both good and evil in nature. He also says that the presence of the elements of good and evil are balanced (Kohler, 2008). The energy of the world is indifferent in a very disturbing tone. Hence, everyone tries to seek shelter and refuge from it. In fact, this becomes a necessity.

The presence of good and evil at the same time is metaphorically expressed through the presence of beauty in the most uncalled of places. These places mark ...
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