The Virgin Group

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The Virgin Group

Case Summary

The Virgin Group is currently investing in resource efficiency and renewable energy with the help of Virgin Green Fund. The Virgin Group has immensely expanded its business into health, music festivals, TV, mobile, travel, finance, leisure, radio, mobile and tourism. In the year of 2007, Branson declared the setting up of The Virgin Earth Challenge (Goodall &, 2010). The Virgin Earth Challenge was focused to remove of atmospheric greenhouse gases and anthropogenic significant of producing harmful effects. The removal must be able to contribute to the stability of the Earth's climate encountering of long-term results. The project Virgin Earth Challenge aimed to maintain the globalization and sustainability of the earth by focusing on the issues that have a long term effect and a global impact on the earth. The project was not easily achievable as it was motivated to end the world's toughest problem. To lead the project efficiently, a group of leaders was founded on the basis of their integrity, wisdom and independent leadership that can help in dealing with the global issues. The formation of the group leaders emerged when Branson joined Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela, Peter Gabriel and Graca Machel, who together founded the group of global leaders. To carry out the purpose in a businesslike manner, Virgin Unite was founded that brought positive goodwill to The Virgin Brand on a large scale through philanthropy actions. The Virgin Unite is a non-profitable organization that tends to focus on the environmental and social issues with the help of entrepreneurial approaches (Robbins, 2009). Through the help of high qualities and broad industries approach, an independent private equity firm, known as A Virgin Green fund was established. It focused to invest in the resource efficiency and renewable energy sectors in Europe and North America. The Virgin Green Fun analyzed the strategic issues like financing, recruiting, market positioning and acquisitions and helped other companies to work together on those issues.

The Virgin Group


Among the United Kingdom's leading companies, The Virgin Group stands out at number one. It is a pool of companies comprising two hundred subsidiary companies all around the globe owned by Sir Richard Branson. The great mastermind of the Virgin Group is known as a very famous person and respected for his great entrepreneurship skills. The Virgin group has expanded into every sector of business, like, retailing, vacation, mobile technology, music, financial services and transportation. It has around fifty thousand people employed over in twenty nine countries. The Virgin Group generates revenue approximately around £10 billion annually (Mills, 2007). The company's global branded revenues were around £13billion in the year of 2011. According to the statistical data of 2012, the Virgin Group was voted as the most liked brand by the customers. The research contributed towards the evaluation and analysis of the Virgin Group on the basis of its strategic development, advantages, values and the environment.


The Background Information about the Virgin Group

The Virgin Group is one of principal companies of the United ...
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