The Value Of Digital Privacy In An Information Technology Age

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The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age

The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age


In modern era where internet has become the major sources of information trade and with the introduction of new innovative technologies, and E business environment has raised the percentage of privacy issues in all over the world. Issues of privacy are not new, but with constant innovation in technology have broadened the magnitude of these issues and have threatened the privacy of individual that are using these technologies (Bulow, 2011).

Individual were facing the issues of privacy in the previous era but those issues were not identified because of lack of knowledge, however there is a dramatic change especially with the advent of the internet access of information has become a click away, thus has become extremely difficult for individual to secure their private information.


Technologies that provide access of personalized information

In modern era various forms of technologies has introduced in the market that has raised the magnitude of privacy issue for individual operating these technologies. Three most common form of technology of modern era are described below


It is the most common form of technology that is being used in every field of life. It is a fact that use of internet has become essential because it provide enormous benefits to individual; however, it also increases the threat of privacy theft. For instance, Google that is considered as most effective source of information gathering is used by individual to access the personal information such as their phone numbers, address, work history and others (Schwartz, 2004).

National database

National database of the country is another technology that provides complete access of personal private information to the individual. Information available on national database system can only be accessed by government official or prescribed authorities mainly because of its confidentiality and high-level security.

Frequency tracking devices

Private information can also be access through hacking the frequency of the mobile phones, radio, and others. These technologies are used by arm forces people to gather the information about their enemy during the situation of war, and used by intelligence agencies when tracking the ware about of their national enemies (Thompson, 2012).

Advantages of access of public information

Access of public information can provide numerous advantages for both the researcher and the person being researched. Some of the common advantages for both parties are discussed below.

First common advantage of both the individual is that ...
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