The Use Of Penicillin Antibiotics In The Treatment Of Clinical Diseases

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The Use of Penicillin Antibiotics in the Treatment of Clinical Diseases

The Use of Penicillin Antibiotics in the Treatment of Clinical Diseases


The discovery of penicillin along with the therapeutic effects is one of the significant breakthrough in the biological world of the twentieth century. Physicians in health care practice prescribe penicillin these days in order to cure the diseases, and aid the people to recover from the severe infectious diseases. Similarly penicillin used as an antibiotic that help in combating the viral diseases, which are harmful and fatal diseases. Penicillin was the first antibiotic discovered that occur naturally. Penicillium moulds are the natural source providing the penicillin.

History of the Penicillin

The discovery of the penicillin has brought many significant scientific innovations. In the 1928, Alexander Fleming isolated the antimicrobial action in the mould of blue green color. Alexander was in search of the treatment concerning the secondary infectious parameters. These secondary infections caused death of many soldiers. At last, he discovered the activity of the penicillin against staphylococcus aureus. In 1938, ten years after the discovery of the penicillin, Dr. Florey further researched on the paper of the Fleming. He found the positive results of the drug on mice. The actual significance of the penicillin was recognized in World War II when this substance frequently used for the injured soldiers, and they got relief from the symptoms.

In 1941, Florey and his colleagues increased production of the penicillin via using the technology of beer brewing. Many companies started manufacturing the penicillin by the late 1943. In the previous years, researchers have investigated the useful forms of penicillin for the treatment of various diseases. There are many modified derivatives available in the market having enhanced activity. The penicillin is under research to evaluate the new drugs with less side effects.

Penicillin as an Antibiotic

The history tells that the penicillin is among the power antibiotics which have been used to treat various diseases such as syphilis, staphylococci and streptococci (Stevens, 1995). Penicillin is active against a broad spectrum microbes. These microbes include N meningitis, N gonorrhea, salmonella typhi, E coli, E faecalis, Strep Pneumonia, Strep Pyogenes, and Staph Aureus. There is two main penicillin; penicillin G and penicillin V. These drugs treat the streptococcal infections, meningococcal infections, scarlet fever, syphilis and the infections caused by bacillus and clostridia.

At present, there are many combinations of the penicillin also available. The purpose of the combination is to provide the effective treatment. The most common combination available of penicillin is with lactamase inhibitors.

Diseases Cured by Penicillin

With the passage of time, there are many diseases emerging with the discovery of the novel pathogens. Besides this, the relative treatment procedures are also developing. Streptococcus is also one of the new pathogens. Wormser and his colleagues say that it is the embodiment of the old organism, which is dead and require various treatment measures including the penicillin (Wormser et al, 2006). The following diseases require the penicillin therapy. The medical investigators proposed the successful results in curing the patients having diseases discussed ...