The Tragedy Assistance Program For Survivors

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The Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors

Is the organization governmental, private, for-profit, or nonprofit?

Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors is a nonprofit organization; it is not a government organization. Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors was established in 1994 by a lady named Bonnier Carroll. She lost her husband in 1992 and after two years of death of her husband she founded Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors. She lost her husband General Tom Carroll in a crash in Alaska, in that crash 7 soldiers were also lost their lives. Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors is a community for the survivors who are brought at one place under the name of the TAPS to share hope, healing and comfort. TAPS assist its community members. TAPS provide online peer mentoring network, chat, and support groups which is kept confidential. Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors is US based nonprofit organization which assists and support to the friends and families of those people who have bear the loss of armed forces as the member of their families and friends (Aitken, 2009).

Since it's founded in 1994 afterwards TAPS has organized many seminars, for instance they have organized National military survivors seminars and seminars on the “Good Grief Camps”. The mission of TAPS to assist emotionally the family and friends of the soldiers who had lost their lives, while serving United States of America. TAPS provides intensive care to the soldiers survivors regardless of the circumstances of the death. It has been estimated that the for each on duty soldier's death approximately 10 people are impacted by his or her death. This may include mother, father, sister, brother, wife, children, fiancé and the military colleagues. TAPS is a non-government organization. It is a nonprofit organization, it means that TAPS is providing a social service for the humanity and ...